antoseb;51214 wrote:Curious, is this known to be a way to "make them look the other way" or is this speculation? Personally I think it would make perfect sense for blizz to ignore botters as long as they still spend money and don't go too high on ladder/arena, but then again maybe they are hardasses?
Of course, it's only a speculation. No one will ever tell you the details of botter identification process.
MELO;51222 wrote:I think a user who does not use bot spends more than anyone who uses it so the blizzard has all the interest in banning.
It's pretty much a true, IMO, but a player who started to bot won't spend much anyway, and they should understand it.
Look at me, for example. I live in Russia, in December 2014 we've got our national currency (ruble) pretty much f*cked up (don't know if strong language os allowed here) - it dropped its value towards other currencies by about 1,5 times: in September/October 2014 $1 costed about 40 rubles, in February 2015 it was already about 65 rubles for $1, fluctuating up to 120 rubles for $1 in currency exchange points in Decenber 2014. Not long after that in 2015 we've got rubles prices for Blizz stuff risen by about 30%. I understand that it's our local problem, capitalism is all about revenues and all that kind of sh*t, but they have already shown no loyalty to their customers who got their balls caught in a pretty hard situation since a lot of everyday stuff is imported into Russia from other countries (including food) and got its prices risen by at least 20%. Then in 2016 we've been told that 2017 will be a year of 3 expansions. And as an icing on a cake we've got booster prices risen by 20% along all other Europe. Blizz explained that it was done because european currencies had recently dropped their value down. In the meantime, ruble had already stabilized it's value on the previously mentioned 60 rubles for $1. It's pretty nice to know that we're still a part of Europe in Blizz eyes despite all the efforts our government does to quarrel with other civilized countries, but was it really necessary to rise the prices for the country which got its currency stabilized for the past two years?! So ask yourself: do I really want to give them any money at all?
If they ban me, so be it. I'll make 2 or 3 twink accounts and will start botting with them as much as I can playing Gwent in the meantime.
P.S. Anyone who read this text to this points - my respect! =)