I'm trying to make a modification to how one of my cards plays.
It's the "Mire Keeper(OG_202) : [x]Choose One - Summon a 2/2 Slime; or Gain an empty Mana Crystal."
basically, i wan't the bot to play this earlier in the game, & choose the mana crystal (YOGG-SARON'S MAGIC(OG_202b)) as long as i have less than 6 mana.
right now i'm using this, but it's still not working quite right.
"ConfigComment":"Mire Keeper : [x]Choose One - Summon a 2/2 Slime; or Gain an empty Mana Crystal.",
"comment":"choose YOGG-SARON'S MAGIC(OG_202b) ",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),druid) > 0 AND my_discover(count(),cardid=OG_202b) > 0 ",
"comment":"choose Y'Shaarj's Strength(OG_202a) ",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),druid) > 0 AND my_discover(count(),cardid=OG_202a) > 0 ",
Any suggestions?