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scottbreak's Meta Decks for Vision AI
#295 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 4:50:16 PM(UTC)

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RainerZufall;49256 wrote:
hmmm ... i ask me .. why i pay for this bot????

before i payed for this bot ,the bot runs better
now the bot stuck on rank 10

i watch the playing bot for 1h and he make so many missplay
i copy paste all setting vom scott and use the decks of him with no result

if i play scott`s decks self than i go easy on rank 6.but let i play the bot the whole night in my sleeptime then i loose more ranks i get

what i make wrong?

sorry for the bad english i am german

early in the season, good competition are all hanging in the 20-15 range...then they start moving down....as they get higher ranks, it becomes a tad bit easier to play better.

So if you can get to rank 6 easy by yourself, why do you want a bot for playing on the ladder? just use it on casual to get goldens and don't care :)
#265 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 6:08:11 PM(UTC)
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jhamdw;48967 wrote:
Midhunter, casual NA, concede if hp < 5, enemy > 25.


With scottbreak's settings?
#298 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 6:20:34 PM(UTC)
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Aggro Paladin can't use the divine favor properly, stuck in rank 15 after one night.
#299 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 7:43:39 PM(UTC)
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Does anyone have a standard priest deck that levels up quickly?
Edit:Silence Priest seems pretty meta right now, configs would be appreciated
#294 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 8:06:51 PM(UTC)

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jquema1;49261 wrote:
Currently I believe this is the best and cheapest HS bot in the market. You are getting more than what u paid for. Your gold farm in a month is actually more valuable than the cost of the bot itself.

This is the only bot that I currently find

If I only one German-speaking bot would find

#296 Posted : Saturday, May 13, 2017 8:11:13 PM(UTC)

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Hellscreamgold;49262 wrote:
early in the season, good competition are all hanging in the 20-15 range...then they start moving down....as they get higher ranks, it becomes a tad bit easier to play better.

So if you can get to rank 6 easy by yourself, why do you want a bot for playing on the ladder? just use it on casual to get goldens and don't care :)

I use the bot only to get to rank 5, the rest to legend would I play myself

I also want to bridge my sleep times with the bot

And the golden heroes I've always had before the use of the bots

sorry for the bad english i used googletranslator
#300 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 12:37:21 AM(UTC)

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OMFG..! i got rank 11 from 20 in this morning today
i ran it during last night 6h.

WR is 60% in standard match in asia server

i'm using Aggro paladin with configfile from scottbreak
my bot version is

i will run it todaynight again and hope hit rank 5.
#301 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:36:32 AM(UTC)
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I got it to rank 7 today with aggro paladin, lastest hearthranger version (:
Just saying this deck is good enough for ladder and gold, thank you scottbreak
Update: Rank 5 now, here is my stat from rank 7 to 5
3 users thanked domino0907 for this useful post.
scottbreak on 5/14/2017(UTC), erikuribe86 on 5/14/2017(UTC), jquema1 on 5/14/2017(UTC)
#302 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 2:19:26 PM(UTC)

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domino0907;49282 wrote:
I got it to rank 7 today with aggro paladin, lastest hearthranger version (:
Just saying this deck is good enough for ladder and gold, thank you scottbreak
Update: Rank 5 now, here is my stat from rank 7 to 5

Nice!!!!!!!! Will it be okay without Sunkeeper?
#303 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 2:50:44 PM(UTC)
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jquema1;49297 wrote:
Nice!!!!!!!! Will it be okay without Sunkeeper?

The bot may get it with Stonehill Defender. Sunkeeper is too solid for this deck, he helps deal with big taunt or finish opponent.
#304 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 3:08:21 PM(UTC)

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domino0907;49298 wrote:
The bot may get it with Stonehill Defender. Sunkeeper is too solid for this deck, he helps deal with big taunt or finish opponent.

I can only craft 1 legendary so either Sunkeeper or Finja. I think Finja adds more value.
#305 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 4:16:33 PM(UTC)

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jquema1;49300 wrote:
I can only craft 1 legendary so either Sunkeeper or Finja. I think Finja adds more value.

I would do Sunkeeper. Love this card. IMO it adds lot more value!
#274 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 4:47:28 PM(UTC)

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scottbreak;49233 wrote:
First off, go fuck yourself, and do not download any of my files anymore. Secondly, I Have never promised anything; link to anything I have ever promised...I challenge you. More to the point, I create this files for my own use, and share them because I want to further the community. I do not work for Hearthranger, or get anything for sharing these files, so I don't need assholes like you complaining or accusing me of shit.
All of the data I post is from running on the NA server, and is ACCURATE. My best results on ladder are late night to early morning, but causal I run all day. I am currently testing AN updated Aggro Paladin, which only has minor tweaks from the OP, and hit 2 stars on Rank 6 last night. I dropped back to Rank 7, but am feeling good that it will hit Rank 5 but the end of the month. I don't know why you aren't having the same results, but don't accuse me of making INSANE stats; they are real stats.
Don't come back; bye.

*Here, I deleted my massage cuz I think that my statement was not accepted the way I wanted it to...So yeah appologies to you Scottbreak My bad man*

First of all, RUDE!
Dude, I'm not accusing you of Insane stats, and I'm not saying that you work for HearthRanger or anything like that...Quote my sentences where I say You Scottbreak are doing that? please... I'm just pointing out that my stats and other stats of people that are posting are not the same as yours that's why I asked how are you getting them... Do you maybe do something to your settings or run other program with HR I dunno but that'w why I asked... And the other thing about HR new version with Vision was for general public, and to say what they think about this matter... Sorry if I offended you by anything I said, I'm admiring your work cuz I'm not programmer but I am not seeing what was said before the release of Vision by so many people including Joy I think, but don't quote me on that... Why did you take this personally I don't know... I really didn't mean to post this directed to you as a Scottbreak, but rather to get your opinion, yours and the other advanced older members of this forum as well. That's what I wanted...nothing else... So sorry if my actions made you angry or frustrated, wasn't my intention...so yeah...
#275 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:28:44 PM(UTC)

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MarinoBog;49304 wrote:
*Here, I deleted my massage cuz I think that my statement was not accepted the way I wanted it to...So yeah appologies to you Scottbreak My bad man*

First of all, RUDE!
Dude, I'm not accusing you of Insane stats, and I'm not saying that you work for HearthRanger or anything like that...Quote my sentences where I say You Scottbreak are doing that? please... I'm just pointing out that my stats and other stats of people that are posting are not the same as yours that's why I asked how are you getting them... Do you maybe do something to your settings or run other program with HR I dunno but that'w why I asked... And the other thing about HR new version with Vision was for general public, and to say what they think about this matter... Sorry if I offended you by anything I said, I'm admiring your work cuz I'm not programmer but I am not seeing what was said before the release of Vision by so many people including Joy I think, but don't quote me on that... Why did you take this personally I don't know... I really didn't mean to post this directed to you as a Scottbreak, but rather to get your opinion, yours and the other advanced older members of this forum as well. That's what I wanted...nothing else... So sorry if my actions made you angry or frustrated, wasn't my intention...so yeah...

at first i thought u were new but then i saw that you had 81 posts so im really surprised because most of this has been discussed before.

all aggro decks have huge variance. basically luck is one of the biggest factors. some could get rank 5 with pirate warrior on the 3rd day and some cant get there till the last week. so everyone's results vary a great deal.
scott doesnt need to answer to you. if you're unhappy with the results learn how to modify your own files.

i understand your complaints on vision. however all AI start out with issues and require a ton of bug reports. look at the silverfish thread and look how many pastebins were contributed. and that was AFTER a lot of work done by botmaker and tons of bugs ironed out after that as well. ive been reporting a handful of vision bugs per day and if everyone does a little thats how all the bugs get ironed out.
i think you really underestimate how complex the whole process is and the time and effort it takes for any AI to be polished enough to get to rank 5.

and actually at this rate vision will catch up and be better than redfish. probably a couple weeks to a month from now. you dont understand how big it is. no sync/comparability issues, more direct customization, less pause between each attack. i really dont understand how you dont see the potential in that.
1 user thanked otkpotato for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 5/15/2017(UTC)
#306 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 9:14:43 PM(UTC)

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For those wondering - this is the deck list I took from rank 20 to rank 5:

Grimscale Chum x2 CFM_650
Grimscale Oracle x2 EX1_508
Murloc Tidecaller x2 EX1_509
Vilefin Inquisitor x2 OG_006
Bilefin Tidehunter x2 OG_156
Hydrologist x2 UNG_011
Murloc Tidehunter x2 EX1_506
Rockpool Hunter x2 UNG_073
Coldlight Seer x2 EX1_103
Divine Favor x2 EX1_349
Murloc Warleader x2 EX1_507
Steward of Darkshire x2 OG_310
Stonehill Defender x2 UNG_072
Gentle Megasaur x2 UNG_089
Finja, the Flying Star x1 CFM_344
Sunkeeper Tarim x1 UNG_015

Also - was a mix of up-to-date Redfish and Vision AI in HR v9.3.0.0 and

Vision AI certainly seems to be catching up to Redfish in terms of play and win-rate.
#307 Posted : Sunday, May 14, 2017 11:00:48 PM(UTC)
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I have been using the midrange paladin a lot but I run into a lot of "Algorithm: None" towards the end of games and important turns. I do have silverfish checked off. Should I just be using the default vision AI?
#276 Posted : Monday, May 15, 2017 7:23:39 AM(UTC)

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otkpotato;49305 wrote:
at first i thought u were new but then i saw that you had 81 posts so im really surprised because most of this has been discussed before.

all aggro decks have huge variance. basically luck is one of the biggest factors. some could get rank 5 with pirate warrior on the 3rd day and some cant get there till the last week. so everyone's results vary a great deal.
scott doesnt need to answer to you. if you're unhappy with the results learn how to modify your own files.

i understand your complaints on vision. however all AI start out with issues and require a ton of bug reports. look at the silverfish thread and look how many pastebins were contributed. and that was AFTER a lot of work done by botmaker and tons of bugs ironed out after that as well. ive been reporting a handful of vision bugs per day and if everyone does a little thats how all the bugs get ironed out.
i think you really underestimate how complex the whole process is and the time and effort it takes for any AI to be polished enough to get to rank 5.

and actually at this rate vision will catch up and be better than redfish. probably a couple weeks to a month from now. you dont understand how big it is. no sync/comparability issues, more direct customization, less pause between each attack. i really dont understand how you dont see the potential in that.

As I said already I don't but now that some of you guys that are here as long as I am and that are contributing more than I am, regarding the making of files, all I was ever doing was testing the decks and pasting the results and of course using debug tool for seen bugs since SF emerged here with HR and now with vision AI as well. Thats why I said I'm sorry and I made a mistake... So truly I am sorry... And finally I'm not looking for beef with anybody, and I'm not expect from Scott to answer to me, i was just asking a question... Or statement for people to comment on but as I said I made a mistake and I'm sorry.
Jason z
#308 Posted : Monday, May 15, 2017 1:56:12 PM(UTC)
Jason z

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Thank you for your work
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#309 Posted : Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:32:41 PM(UTC)

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Jason z;49338 wrote:
Thank you for your work

thank you for my anti-virus blocking the image in your signature ;)
#310 Posted : Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:31:54 AM(UTC)
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where is link to Download MidRangeHunter? I see only link to image winrate. Give me pls link to download midrangehunter deck! Thx.
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