redfish is based on botmaker and sepefeets's silverfish
i made this almost 1 year ago.
so values different with sepe's.
i am not a programmer and not a english speaker. i have finished only 3-credit class about programming.
so i can't deal with complicated problem.
anyway, redfish can use Ungoro cards. but not 100%. not tested all cards.
directions are same with silverfish.
just make another folder named "redfish". like this.
and put downloaded link files in this folder.
i recommend that do not change setting file.
basic concede option "when enemy has lethal" added in dll file.
so no need to check auto concede option in HearthRanger.
i reached rank 5 standard mode two different account in asia server with token-shaman.
with this deck
rank 10 5-star to rank 5
bot can reach legend and i reached long time ago.
but PLEASE DO NOT play rank game after reached rank 5.
too risky.
This season, many people say they didn't reach even Rank 5. so i decide share this.
known issue :
sometimes dll crashed when play choose cards (adapt, discover).
after ungoro update, can't get graveyard card information from HearthRanger. i tried fix this but i can't handle.
turn-end sometimes because old silverfish-HR sync issue.