You're comparing silverfish to a brand new Vision AI.
That's like comparing a car to a baby stroller. Silverfish has been worked on for a long time by people and refined to the silverfish version you are used to using. People have played with the settings, and to be quite frank... You did nothing for it, so why complain? Sure you put in your twenty bucks like everyone else, but you have no idea what you bought.
Vision AI is super simple to program and test. Because of this, it is a more general bot. It is also less than a month old (public release) compared to silverfish which is quite old by now. If you notice the bot being "fucking retarded and pointless" then take the 15 minutes it'll take you to put in your own rules and settings so it isn't. You bought a program. You're just lucky you found a forum where enthusiasts post THEIR code that makes the program work. Oh and silverfish still works, so instead of complaining about the problem you could do one of two things. Either program Vision and improve it, or just use silverfish still.