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scottbreak's Meta Decks for Vision AI
#28 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 6:00:45 AM(UTC)

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I believe I did not set the files in customconfig directory right because I'm getting 0% winarte after 6 games played, 2 conceeded so yeah... Don't know what I did wrong but I did something wrong, If anybody can tell me that would be great :D

MarinoBog;48147 wrote:

When I copy paste these lines into json file while using Notepad++, I seems to be missing those dots that are present in warrior_pirate files, is that OK, or should we manually type all this in Notepad++ or it will work regarding the dots. (The dost I'm reffering to maybe to make the code more transparent, but I'm not a coder so I don't know... I presume it will work like this also.)

I opened new directory in CustomConfig named Jack Rackham(my deck name, and name of the new directory), I copy pasted json files from warrior_pirate in that new directory, After I copy pasted all your lines in the json files from warrior_pirate files.

At last, I opened deck_config.ini and deleted PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate and typed [CONFIGS] Jack Rackham = Jack Rackham

Did I do something wrong or is this the right way to set up?

***EDIT__: UPDATE after 26 total games palyed winrate is 42,31% totasl wicotory 11, conceded 2...
So definetley I'm doing something wrong, but I STILL don't know what...
#18 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 8:34:52 AM(UTC)

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u4ea;48151 wrote:
Scott, what do you think if we use OR ?

"condition":"opp_hero(count(),rogue=true)>0 OR opp_hero(count(),druid=true)>0 OR opp_hero(count(),warrior =true)>0"

Should work. I'll make adjustments on my next update.
#24 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 8:38:20 AM(UTC)

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MarinoBog;48147 wrote:
Thanks for shearing the files with us scottbreak!
I'm also interested in grinding gold, not really about getting legend rank, because I got it a couple of times myself and I know that it is only grind most of the time not really skill... That's why I think this decks will be great... maybe some of the will reach RANK 5 and that is it... No need to go further than that... that's just my opinion...

Quick Question:

When I copy paste these lines into json file while using Notepad++, I seems to be missing those dots that are present in warrior_pirate files, is that OK, or should we manually type all this in Notepad++ or it will work regarding the dots. (The dost I'm reffering to maybe to make the code more transparent, but I'm not a coder so I don't know... I presume it will work like this also.)

I opened new directory in CustomConfig named Jack Rackham(my deck name, and name of the new directory), I copy pasted json files from warrior_pirate in that new directory, After I copy pasted all your lines in the json files from warrior_pirate files.

At last, I opened deck_config.ini and deleted PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate and typed [CONFIGS] Jack Rackham = Jack Rackham

Did I do something wrong or is this the right way to set up?

Thank you very much @scottbreak!

*EDIT: One more question, what concede options are you using? Autoconcede if opponent has lethal, Autoconcede if my HP X and opp HP X or Autoconcede if bot play 18 or X turns? Or do you use something else that can be implemented in json files that I don't understand?
Again Thank you man!

The auto-concede is provided in in the Concede.json, and I am using auto-concede if won last game. Did you read Joy's help section? It's pretty straight forward.
1 user thanked scottbreak for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/19/2017(UTC)
#25 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 8:57:33 AM(UTC)

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scottbreak;48162 wrote:
The auto-concede is provided in in the Concede.json, and I am using auto-concede if won last game. Did you read Joy's help section? It's pretty straight forward.

Yeah I read it but I'm not really getting it, sry I've never coded or read codes or anything like that... but I recaped the things that I did to teh files, because I'm not IT educated person, to see if I did something wrong... I believe I did something because my win rate doesn't match yours. Ok, I haven't had concede if last game won option ON but I believe that nevertheless my win rate is still too poor even without it beeing ON, so yeah I figured I'd ask you guys that are used to figure this things out... I will help with results and after I make the right setup of files.
Thank you for your response, I believe I'll get this right eventually with your help.
Thank you.
#29 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:17:54 AM(UTC)
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Always mulligan southsea deckhand away? That is clearly wrong
#35 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:26:28 AM(UTC)

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I use those for mulligan rules :

*EDIT* added frothing berserker on the mulligan rules and a perfect curve clause had to repeat some rules because the bot doesn't let me use OR & AND on the same expressions
#36 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:28:20 AM(UTC)

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I have a leeroy jenkins in my hand. Opposite the thieves only 6 life, it still chose arcanite reaper and bloodsail raider. The Why is that?
#37 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:32:26 AM(UTC)

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80705472@qq.com;48168 wrote:
I have a leeroy jenkins in my hand. Opposite the thieves only 6 life, it still chose arcanite reaper and bloodsail raider. The Why is that?

Charge is probably bugged and not considered , noticed it too before update , before saying that it's still bugged after the patch I want to do further testing
2 users thanked Thagann for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/19/2017(UTC), 80705472@qq.com on 4/19/2017(UTC)
#38 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:43:12 AM(UTC)
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Which values need to be changed for going more face instead of trying to constantly keep the control of the board?
#39 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:45:27 AM(UTC)

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Garcia98;48170 wrote:
Which values need to be changed for going more face instead of trying to constantly keep the control of the board?

Global values
#40 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:51:38 AM(UTC)
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Where should I paste those files? Into a silvefish folder, or there is some new (special) folder for this?
#41 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:00:53 AM(UTC)

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smokmarian;48172 wrote:
Where should I paste those files? Into a silvefish folder, or there is some new (special) folder for this?

custom config folder look the online guide to learn more
#42 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:12:00 AM(UTC)
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Thagann;48174 wrote:
custom config folder look the online guide to learn more

Thank you ;D, but could you pass me the link? I can't find it anywhere...
#43 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:47:50 AM(UTC)

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smokmarian;48176 wrote:
Thank you ;D, but could you pass me the link? I can't find it anywhere...

It is on the first page ;)

#30 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:56:27 AM(UTC)

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Garcia98;48165 wrote:
Always mulligan southsea deckhand away? That is clearly wrong

This is not helpful. If you have some insight, give it, but just making a blanket statement is pointless. If you really want to help, add your suggestion to the mulligan, test it and post results.

You can try adding this and any other mulligans you believe to be "correct", but I have not kept Southsea Deckhand in any of my Standard mulligans since

#34 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:11:00 AM(UTC)

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scottbreak;48181 wrote:
This is not helpful. If you have some insight, give it, but just making a blanket statement is pointless. If you really want to help, add your suggestion to the mulligan, test it and post results.

You can try adding this and any other mulligans you believe to be "correct", but I have not kept Southsea Deckhand in any of my Standard mulligans since

I am trying some mulligan with Southsea Deckhand I'd like to hear your feedbacks :

#44 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:15:07 AM(UTC)
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NightlyKnight;48180 wrote:

Okay, so all I need to do in order to run scott's settings is:

1.Make folder called for ex. [worrior_pirate] in "HearthRanger\CustomConfig"

2.Copy all the settings (mullgians.json, Combo.json...) to CustomConfig

3.And that's all? I dont have to change something in HR setting? Or there is an option to choose which setting It should use?

Sorry for my incomprehension, but I'm not 100% sure what to do...

And thanks for all replies ;D
1 user thanked smokmarian for this useful post.
MarinoBog on 4/19/2017(UTC)
#48 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:21:02 AM(UTC)

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smokmarian;48184 wrote:
Okay, so all I need to do in order to run scott's settings is:

1.Make folder called for ex. [worrior_pirate] in "HearthRanger\CustomConfig"

2.Copy all the settings (mullgians.json, Combo.json...) to CustomConfig

3.And that's all? I dont have to change something in HR setting? Or there is an option to choose which setting It should use?

Sorry for my incomprehension, but I'm not 100% sure what to do...

And thanks for all replies ;D

go into CustomConfig folder then into the deck_config.ini , there there's a part called [CONFIGS] there you insert your decks in this form _-> DECK_NAME = DECK_CONFIG exemple :

PirateWarrior = warrior_pirate

UnicornPriest= unicorn_sandwich

then on the CustomConfig you create a folder called unicorn_sandwich there you create 4 files .json called Combo, Concede , Mulligan and GlobalValue also if you're running sir Finley you have to create another file called LOE_076.json to make the bot plays it better , for GlobalValue is advised to copy the default one because it's hard to customize and tweak properly .
Last thing to do is to build your deck on hearthstone and call it UnicornPriest
2 users thanked Thagann for this useful post.
smokmarian on 4/19/2017(UTC), MarinoBog on 4/19/2017(UTC)
#49 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:21:36 AM(UTC)
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I downloaded new hearthranger version V9.1.0.0 then I opened externbot folder I put it silverfish 125.3 then I started bot I got error message (Object not set to an instance ... ) what is the problem ? ı would like to use silverfish because I dont understand Vision A.İ .... Could you help me maybe you can show us how to use new vision ai with pictures or videos possible ?? thanks
1 user thanked berkayasil for this useful post.
legendarystephen on 4/22/2017(UTC)
#45 Posted : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:27:29 AM(UTC)
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smokmarian;48184 wrote:
Okay, so all I need to do in order to run scott's settings is:

1.Make folder called for ex. [worrior_pirate] in "HearthRanger\CustomConfig"

2.Copy all the settings (mullgians.json, Combo.json...) to CustomConfig

3.And that's all? I dont have to change something in HR setting? Or there is an option to choose which setting It should use?

Sorry for my incomprehension, but I'm not 100% sure what to do...

And thanks for all replies ;D

4. read file named [deck_config.ini] to know how to specify which config dir should be used on which deck, that's all.
1 user thanked JoyAdmin for this useful post.
smokmarian on 4/19/2017(UTC)
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