Rank: Newbie
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
Thanks: 1 times
gradinas;46782 wrote: Core cards:
Other cards:
My deck:
Winrate: settings.txt
enfacehp = 30; maxwide = 9000; twotsamount = 1800; simEnemySecondTurn = true; playarround = false; playaroundprob = 50; playaroundprob2 = 80; enemyTurnMaxWide = 40; enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = 360; enemySecondTurnMaxWide = 40; nextTurnDeep = 6; nextTurnMaxWide = 36; nextTurnTotalBoards = 360; useSecretsPlayArround = false; alpha = 50; simulatePlacement = true; useExternalProcess = true; passiveWaiting = false; behave = face; concedeOnBadBoard = false; speed = false;
// [1] Southsea Deckhand (CS2_146) hold;warrior;all;CS2_146:1 // [1] N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) hold;warrior;all;OG_312:1 // [1] Southsea Deckhand (CS2_146) + [1] N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) hold;warrior;all;CS2_146:2:OG_312 // [2] Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) hold;warrior;all;CS2_106:1 // [2] Bloodsail Raider (NEW1_018) + [2] Fiery War Axe (CS2_106)/ [1] N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) hold;warrior;all;NEW1_018:1:CS2_106/OG_312 // [2] Fiery War Axe (CS2_106)/ [1] N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) + [1] Upgrade! (EX1_409) hold;warrior;all;EX1_409:1:CS2_106/OG_312 // [2] Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) + [4] Dread Corsair (NEW1_022) hold;warrior;all;NEW1_022:1:CS2_106
_combo.txt (v. 1.1)
// The Coin (GAME_005) + N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) + Southsea Deckhand (CS2_146) GAME_005,0;OG_312,0;CS2_146,15;mana:1;bonus:50;hero:warrior
// Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) CS2_106,0;mana:2;bonus:10;hero:warrior
// Upgrade! (EX1_409) + Southsea Deckhand (CS2_146) EX1_409,1;CS2_146,0;mana:2;bonus:5;hero:warrior
// Dread Corsair (NEW1_022) + Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) CS2_106,25;NEW1_022,0;mana:3;bonus:70;hero:warrior
// Dread Corsair (NEW1_022) + N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) OG_312,0;NEW1_022,0;mana:4;bonus:30;hero:warrior
// N'Zoth's First Mate (OG_312) + The Coin (GAME_005) + Upgrade! (EX1_409) + Dread Corsair (NEW1_022) OG_312,0;GAME_005,1;EX1_409,0;nxttrn;NEW1_022,0;mana:1;bonusfirst:60;bonussecond:120;hero:warrior
// Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) + The Coin (GAME_005) + Upgrade! (EX1_409) + Dread Corsair (NEW1_022) CS2_106,0;GAME_005,1;EX1_409,0;NEW1_022,0;mana:2;bonusfirst:70;bonussecond:140;hero:warrior
Tell me please where to put the files _mulligan.tht, settings.txt, _combo.tht?