[img=http://prntscr.com/e6pwoo]Tempo Mage Results, ~600 Minutes[/img]
omgfrost, I took the time of testing the Tempo Mage once again, with a few small changes. With these changes, I found that the winrate changed considerably, going from a low 48% to an average 70% winrate. However, this winrate is still relatively low compared to "better" farming decks, such as aggro pirate warrior. (Last season, I had 92% winrates out of 500 games) However, I'm really enthusiastic about mage farming, since I hardly see any strong mage farming decks nowadays. I really love how you made decks for nearly every hero, keep up the good work!
Scottbreak suggested Mech Mage for farming, any ideas?
P.S. Sorry for the image formatting, never posted an image before, I just wanted to share results for ~600 minutes of botting.
P.S.S. In case the image doesn't show up, here's the link:
Thanks again for spending all this time creating decklists!