Working with custom mulligan, combo and settings files
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In many of the treads on this forum you will find custom files for a deck to be used in Silverfish. Most recently the files for allot of successful decks can be found in The rank 5 tread, clicking the link to "download all decks at once" in the first post will give you allot of files. Of course you can also create them yourself. To start learning this start here and here
For those custom files to work you just have to put your acquired _mulligan.txt, _combo.txt and settings.txt (and sometimes _discovery.txt) directly in you Silverfish folder (...HearthRanger\ExternBot\silverfish) overwriting you old files (if you have them). Your files will be loaded when you start Hearthranger untill you change them in the directory again. Also be aware you don't overwrite your settings with a silverfish update, or make sure you put your settings.txt back after a silverfish update.
Please note:"
- Note the _ before the mulligan and combo files.
- If no combo was posted make an empty notepad file and name it _combo.txt so it will override the previous used combo when switching.
- The ".txt" is added automaticly when you save it as textdocument with notepad, default windows won't show the ".txt" in explorer. So i.e. it will show as "_mulligan"
- Make sure silver.exe (the command window which starts when you start Hearthranger) says "read _mulligan" and "read _combo" else check if your files are named correctly