Project: Ladder deck testing and more
Hey guys,
i've decided to "embrace" this "campain" for the ones like me who have reached rank 5 (7-8) and\or have a test account to test HR+SF behaviours in order to gather the most succesful decks after reasonable testing time and tweaking and integrate them in the Project Rank 5 topic. (some sort of beta topic :D ).
My goal is to create aggro solid SF well-handed decks in order to farm\lvlup\do quests\100g day\ladder for all classes.Requirements:- Latest HR+SF versions (so stay up to date in their relative topics like
Project Rank 5 and
Sepefeets Silverfish update );
- Time to watch HR behaviours;
- Decent PC; (not laptops please)
- Little knowledge on how to modify .txts for SF tweaking.
- Spare Hearthstone test account (optional)
Standard decks only
Tools:Maxwide generator:
hereMOST IMPORTANT THING (at least for me): Best hours to rank EZ SKYROCKET are from 9am to 2-3pm CETNo Reno Mages at these hours it seems LOL
(More decks incoming when i have time)Budget Tempo Mage (880 dust)+KEY UPGRADES
KEY UPGRADES2x Spellslinger -> 2x FlamewakerStill tweaking files but it seems with default ones it does pretty fine tho.
Budget Pirate Warrior (1440 dust)+KEY UPGRADES
KEY UPGRADES1x Grimy Gadgeteer -> 1x Patches the Pirate
1x Argent Horserider -> 1x Sir Finley Mrrgglton
1x Argent Horserider -> 1x Leeroy JenkinsStill tweaking files but it seems with default ones it does pretty fine tho.
Budget Aggro Paladin (1420 dust)+KEY UPGRADES
KEY UPGRADES2x Flame Juggler -> 2x Meanstreet Marshal
1x Worgen Infiltrator -> 1x Sir Finley Mrrgglton
2x Blessing of Kings -> 2x Small-Time Recruits
1x Acidic Swamp Ooze -> 1x Keeper of Uldaman
1x Harvest Golem -> 1x Keeper of Uldaman
NICE TO HAVE UPGRADES2x Truesilver Champion -> 2x Doppelgangster
1x Steward of Darkshire -> 1x Wickerflame Burnbristle
Still tweaking files but it seems with default ones it does pretty fine tho.
Budget Jade Druid (1340 dust)+KEY UPGRADES
KEY UPGRADES1x Druid of the Claw -> 1x Aya Blackpaw
NICE TO HAVE UPGRADES1x Druid of the Claw + 1x Acidic Swamp Ooze -> 1x Fandral Staghelm + 1x Raven Idol
2x Dark Arakkoa -> 2x Ancient of War
Budget Midrange Shaman (1600 dust)+KEY UPGRADES
KEY UPGRADES2x Argent Squire -> 2x Tunnel Trogg
2x Flame Juggler -> 2x Maelstrom Portal
2x Flamewreathed Faceless -> 2x Spirit Claws
1x Bloodlust -> 1x Doomhammer
Right now i'm testing these:
Season 34 Mid\Devolve Shaman
Season 33 Dragon-Aggro Warrior
S33 Aggro Pirate Rogue
Season 33 Egg Druid

Stats with playarround true:testing right now....Stats with playarround false:testing right now....IMPORTANT: If SF isn't playing tempo runic egg but hero power cut them for 2 loot hoarders
S33 Beast Druid
Deck:Innervate x2
Enchanted Raven x2
Living Roots x2
Darnassus Aspirant x2
Druid of the Saber x2
Mark of Y'Shaarj x2
Power of the Wild x1
Druid of the Flame x2
Savage Roar x1
Savage Combatant x2
Swipe x2
Azure Drake x2
Druid of the Claw x2
Stranglethorn Tiger x2
Menagerie Warden x2
The Curator x1
Ragnaros the Firelord x1
Season 33 Jade-Aggro Rogue
Deck:Bloodmage Thalnos x1
Defender of Argus x1
Azure Drake x1
Eviscerate x2
SI:7 Agent x2
Earthen Ring Farseer x1
Unearthed Raptor x2
Brann Bronzebeard x1
Undercity Huckster x2
Swashburglar x2
Patches the Pirate x1
Jade Spirit x2
Small-Time Buccaneer x2
Jade Swarmer x2
Jade Shuriken x2
Backstab x2
Fan of Knives x2
Aya Blackpaw x1
Shadow Strike x1
Stats so far:
S34 Dragon Priest
Northshire Cleric x2
Potion of Madness x1
Power Word: Shield x2
Twilight Whelp x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Netherspite Historian x2
Shadow Word: Pain x2
Wyrmrest Agent x2
Blackwing Technician x1
Brann Bronzebeard x1
Kabal Talonpriest x2
Shadow Word: Death x2
Priest of the Feast x1
Twilight Guardian x2
Azure Drake x2
Blackwing Corruptor x2
Drakonid Operative x2
Dragonfire Potion x1
Season 34 Standard MSG Shaman (Rank 1, Then to legend manually) ***Read info in spoiler***
Season 35 Standard MIDRANGE Shaman (Actually Rank 5,1star-semiauto)
Stats so far: 

Using trackobot stats because early season i'm not
let HR just AUTOPILOTFiles: hereIMPORTANT: If you see strange behaviour just use this settings.txt (copy and overwrite mine if you downloaded the files):
Notice: .txts are not purposedly polished because if i want to change a setting during a test section i can stop HR uncomment or comment that setting (with \\ at the beginning) save, and start HR again.
BUT all the settings are made for
THAT deck (i just don't waste time renaming "commented" stuff).
Important: SF behaviour significantly change if you have playarround secrets and spells set on
true (or false) in _settings.txt file. Feel free to test them with both option and report which option you are using in that test session.
//Topic enrichments coming when significant updates (and time spare) are discovered. The ones who are interested can stay tuned here!