So, I decided to let my bot play ARENA after it has finished 100 gold grind every day, and after I got to rank 5...
So I tought it would be best to bot in Arena at the beginnig of the season and of course after i reached rank 5 with bot somewhere in the middle of the season. What do you think if this is a good idea?
So first reach rank 5, than bot fro 100 gold every day and after completing 100 gold quest right away go to arena with bot... What do you do, and how do you efficient bot with BOT in arena?
Another question is with how much gold should I start botting in Arena, so I wouldn't run dry after few runs.
How good is bot in Arena, is it worth it letting it play arena after hitting the 100 gold cap every day, or should I just do this(getting 100 gold every day) and buy packs instead?
How to set up a bot for arena, what do i need to do, is there a thread that explains this or no?
Should i use Silverfish- from HR or from seepe?(ofc I need 2 w8 now because new expansion has launched and seepe hadn't still updated it's silverfish)
How does the bot draft? Is it good as Heartharena or HS Deck tracker drafting system or is it worst, Is there a way to make it better and so on...
If somebody has some other smart question regarding this topic feel free to ask them, and maybe we will all profit from this thread.
Thank you very much in advance,