Has anyone tried to bot himself to anything close to 100% percent completion without any money?
If not I will start an experiment with a new account with these ideas.
Manually go through tutorial.
Bot, randomly select deck until all basic hero cards are unlocked.
Build basic decks found in the thread
Bot daily gold and quests.
Every 700 gold unlock an adventure, don't spend gold on packs because on adventures at least one specific legendary is guaranteed.
Start with LoE because it has Reno, Tunnel Trogg, Elise, Brann, Raven Idol, Mounted Raptor, Ethereal Conjurer, Forgotten torch, Uldaman, Anyfin, Entombed, Excavated evil, Dark Peddler, Obsidian Destroyer
I think it's the adventure with the most cards that are either essential (Tunnel Trogg) or at least make competent decks for almost all classes.
Please tell me if you think another adventure would be the best for the first time.
Complete all adventures first, don't buy packs.
With an average of 150 G (100 G Daily and ~ 50 G quest) per day, 700 G per adventure level, 4 levels per adventure and 3 adventures that's
(700*4*3)/150= about 60 days to complete all adventures.
After that spend any gold on packs weekly, improve decks weekly.
After about one or two months of that you would probably have enough good cards to make decent decks and maybe reach rank 15 and get 1 golden common, 1 golden rare, 5 dust.
Maybe even manually play until you reach rank 15 once a month then let the bot take over.
Don't craft until you have absurd amounts of dust.
Tell me if you can think of a better system.