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Sepefeets Silverfish update (OG, Kara, MSG)
#870 Posted : 8 years ago

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Well, im not 100 % sure if this is a misplay or i only have to change my settings to tell the bot to trade this, but that "not to trade move" threw the game...

...so the bot went with all on face instead of a cheap trade on the Azure Drake.

so he played Abusive Seargent to buff the Abusive Seargent on the Board and instead of trade he went to face and next turn the Druid could clear my entire board and the following turn came the 5/10 Taunter ...

my settings are on
behave = control
enfacehp = 29

i hope sbdy can tell me what to change

best regards

and here is the log (i hope i did copy the right turn)
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sepefeets on 8/28/2016(UTC), Somerandombot007 on 8/28/2016(UTC)
#871 Posted : 8 years ago

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Hey Sepe,
I think this may have already been addressed as a HR issue, but is there anyway to get Druid to attack with hero power? I want to write files for Beast Druid, but I think it would be a waste until this issue is resolved.
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sepefeets on 8/28/2016(UTC)
#872 Posted : 8 years ago

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This is probably a silly question, but I've been looking around and haven't been able to find a solid answer.

I have a different mulligan/setting file for each class, and I was wondering if it's possible to switch from within Silverfish without having to copy-paste the files into the Silverfish folder every time I wanted a change.

If it is possible, how do I go about doing it - the docs I've read so far say that I need to copy-paste my mulligan/setting files into Silverfish/ which means only 1 class at a time is possible.
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sepefeets on 8/28/2016(UTC)
#873 Posted : 8 years ago

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@rffc - Okay but please start using pastebin/pastee.

@scottbreak - Yes it's data sync but I did change SF to try to use druid hero power before other actions so that it can recover a little if there are other actions to do.

@Jadax - See the OP about auto config switching.
#874 Posted : 8 years ago

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Originally Posted by: sepefeets Go to Quoted Post
@Jadax - See the OP about auto config switching.

Thanks, I misread that part.

Follow-up question:

I have a Basic Hunter set with its mulligan/settings files.

I put the Basic Hunter --> in Silverfish/Data/Hunter/Basic Hunter/ (there being no default hunter files) OR in Silverfish/Data/Basic Hunter/ ?

I also have a Midrange Hunter --> I put that in Silverfish/Data/Hunter/Midrange Hunter/ (there being no default hunter files) --- so in this case I will have 2 folder within /Hunter -> Basic Hunter + Midrange Hunter.

Basically, I want to know what happens if I have no default mulligan/settings files for each class, but have specialised Basic sets + Midrange sets.
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sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#875 Posted : 8 years ago

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@sepefeets please add Kindly Grandmother (KARA_05_01b) to be played regardless on each turn if possible when bot have no minions onboard please, I noticed several times the bot refuse to play it when opponent have a minion of any sort.

Also bot is not very clever at playing secrets for free when Cloaked Huntress is in play, do you think this can be fixed? like make the bot play every secret possible from hand once CH is on the board? thanks
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sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#876 Posted : 8 years ago
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Secret Keepers should have been buffed by the secret that was later played before attacking face.

Settings : Sepefeet's github pala files.
Silverfish: Sepefeet's


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sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#877 Posted : 8 years ago

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@Jadax - If the deck is named "Basic Hunter" and you have files for it at Silverfish/Data/Hunter/Basic Hunter/ then it will read those files. The reason to use files in Silverfish/Data/Hunter/ would be like if you have 5 different variations of mid hunter with different names to test out different deck lists or w/e.

@er009 - logs logs logs. I haven't fixed many misplays lately because of all the 123.0SE work and then with adding all the kara cards but this week is going to pretty much be all about misplays, especially kara card misplays, but I need logs. (@everyone and no I haven't forgotten about the pile of them still waiting to be fixed)

@p0p0 - Yeah it's on the pile and I've seen it too.

#878 Posted : 8 years ago

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Originally Posted by: sepefeets Go to Quoted Post
@Jadax - If the deck is named "Basic Hunter" and you have files for it at Silverfish/Data/Hunter/Basic Hunter/ then it will read those files. The reason to use files in Silverfish/Data/Hunter/ would be like if you have 5 different variations of mid hunter with different names to test out different deck lists or w/e.

Are you sure this work? Because I just put my Druid files into Silverfish/Druid/Basic Druid and chose the Basic Druid deck in the settings - but when silverfish started it said no _mulligan + _combo found, and I assume it was using the settings in Silverfish, not the specifically tweaked settings I put into Basic Druid.
1 user thanked Jadax for this useful post.
sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#879 Posted : 8 years ago

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Originally Posted by: Jadax Go to Quoted Post
Are you sure this work? Because I just put my Druid files into Silverfish/Druid/Basic Druid and chose the Basic Druid deck in the settings - but when silverfish started it said no _mulligan + _combo found, and I assume it was using the settings in Silverfish, not the specifically tweaked settings I put into Basic Druid.

Reread the config switching post from the OP and pay attention to the last few lines.
#880 Posted : 8 years ago

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Will try to correct this in my combo files but:


Bot wasted rockbiter on turn 5 for no real reason.

My combo files currently says:
// [Nudge] [5] Doomhammer (EX1_567) + [1] Rockbiter Weapon (CS2_045)

EDIT: Strange thing is when i run this in test.txt it doesnt what to use rockbiter. So why did it? Is this sync?
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#881 Posted : 8 years ago

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@Sepe - can you please force bot to attack with Alexstrazsa's Champion when it's played?? I noticed a few times bot only plays it on turn 2 then ends turn. Thanks.

1 user thanked er009 for this useful post.
sepefeets on 8/31/2016(UTC)
#882 Posted : 8 years ago

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@Dre - It plays rockbiter when I sim it with or without the combo penalty. The first board of a turn is always accurate data from HR afaik since nothing has really happened in the fractions of a second beforehand except maybe the few rare "on turn start" effects that nobody uses.

@er009 - That's data sync, HR says it's still a 2/3 that isn't ready to attack.
2 users thanked sepefeets for this useful post.
er009 on 8/31/2016(UTC), Dre on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#883 Posted : 8 years ago

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Settings: Face

Why did it kill the slime on turn 8? Slime is not a dangerous enemy and settings are on Face, my heath was still 30. it should hit face that turn every times. The slime has not enough power to kill the flametongue, so that could not be the reason either. You cant out-controll a controll (in this case dragon) warrior with a agro shaman xD

I would even VERY much doubt if i would kill the alextraza's champion on turn 9 as it did with lightning bolt. But this is arguable.

I won this one, tough my wr against warriors yesterday was 22% while overal wr was 52%
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#884 Posted : 8 years ago

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Functionality request:

Can the log be ended with a simple "match won" or "match lost"

I'am often having a hard time when checking the log for guessing if the oponent conceded on his turn or it made some awsome combo and killed me in his turn.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#885 Posted : 8 years ago

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Can the AI value argent squire a bit above sir finley on turn 1?

I tried to solve this in the combo but when i put the cardvalue of finley up, it will start to not play it on turns it has 1 mana left and just end turn. Also a -value of squire will resolve in it being played over tunnel trog.

I can make it work in the combo but it will result in lots of rules for just a minor thing :)

here is the board to sim

Sir finley is a card to keep in mulligan, but when other options are avalible (in my case tunnel trog or squire) it should not be played over them. Currently it wont play it over tunnel trog, but it will play it over squire.

Request for AI: value squire a bit over sir finley on turn 1 and 2 (from turn 3 onwards it bahaves correctly as it is)
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#886 Posted : 8 years ago

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I'll have to look at it later, it's not clear to me if the randomness of the totem affected the decision or some data sync. Face behavior doesn't guarantee face though, it just heavily favors it.

Match results in silverlogs too - done.

Squire - okay.
1 user thanked sepefeets for this useful post.
Dre on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#887 Posted : 8 years ago

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Originally Posted by: sepefeets Go to Quoted Post
I'll have to look at it later, it's not clear to me if the randomness of the totem affected the decision or some data sync. Face behavior doesn't guarantee face though, it just heavily favors it.

Match results in silverlogs too - done.

Squire - okay.

Thnx, i know it doesnt guarantee face, luckly is doesnt. There are some minions that rly need to be killed, but killing the slime there doesnt make sence at all on face settings.


Why did it run in the squire into the councilman there? It killed it after with doomhammer + rockbiter and therefore it didnt need the tick from squire. Probably sync? But i dont see how.

Also when i would play manual i would have chosen to go face with the rockbiter + doom for 10 damage instead of killing the 2/5 coucilman. Altough councilman is potential dangerous. At this point of falling behind there is no way to outcontroll the zoolock. So pushing face with all you have and race is better at this point. I understand this would be rly hard for the bot. But i think it can use one small tick more flavour to face. Atleast so it wont kill the 2/2 like posted before. we have "rush" for that i think

Ah damn sorry sepe, it seems that finley is even played over tunnel trog (tought it wasnt the case)


So putting a penalty on finley before turn 3 seems the best option. So its only played before if it has no other options.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#888 Posted : 8 years ago

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On turn 5 it equiped doomhammer but didnt attack at all.

Then on turn 6 it applied 2x rockbiter (16dmg!) but then it decited to kill 2 minions with it when the oponent had just 18 health.

Result in a loss which could have be a win. I basicly killed myself by hitting minions the whole time with my face (also in later turns) and wasting 16dmg to kill 9 health worth of minions which represented only 6 attack together when i sat on 30 health.


I noticed rockbiter wep is ALLWAYS cast on the hero never on a minion. Usualy this is correct but see this turn 5.

First of all, why run the squire into the ancient to get it to 2HP when it wanted to hit it with face for 3attack anyway. the BIG question is. Why not put Rockbiter on the faceless and kill it directly. would have saved the squire and 5 health.
1 user thanked Dre for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
#889 Posted : 8 years ago
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Hello, reporting a play that might be incorrect.

Log file: http://hastebin.com/ayexebizen.coffee

Screenshot of the situation: http://i.imgur.com/oA7IpnS.jpg

Situation: The botplayer should have attacked the enemy minion (6/6 Ancient Shieldbearer) with Tirion, killing it breaking only tirion's divine shield. The botplayer ended up playing coghammer and buffing Tirion with nothing since he hadn't used his divine shield. After that, I think the botplayer should have traded a minion 1/1 with the 6/1 ancient shieldbearer (the 6/1 ancient shieldbearer ended up attacking the 6/6 Tirion with divine shield).

1 user thanked p0p0 for this useful post.
sepefeets on 9/1/2016(UTC)
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