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v. - Support One Night in Karazhan expansion cards. (HSBOT) - Support new One Night in Karazhan expansion cards. This is only for default a.i by current version. Silverfish module will also be updated soon. - Over 4000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.- Some cards re-tweaked.- Other improvements- Silverfish module updated with first week's cards. (2016-08-15)DEV NEWS Our whole new default a.i. module, as called 'vision a.i.', is almost completed and under internal testing, it has great potential to bring a.i. to a whole new level. We'll release it in the near future.
[Edit: Updated to v.] - Over 3000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer. - Some cards re-tweaked. - silverfish updated with this week's cards (2016-08-23).
[Edit: Updated to v.] - Over 8000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer. - Some cards re-tweaked. - silverfish updated. (2016-09-13). - Other improvements.
[Edit: Updated to v.]
- Over 5000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- Deck library search result refined. Now you have less chance to get similar decks in results.
- New deck filter option for KARAZHAN card set. - Some cards re-tweaked. - Other improvements.
[Edit: Updated to v.]
- New hero card 'Tyrande' added.
- New auto stop option of played games counter. Now you can setup to auto stop bot when bot played specified number of games, no matter win or lost.
How to update manually?Start Launcher.exe at Hearthranger directory, then click [UPDATE] button. [Download Page]http://www.hearthranger.com/forum/yaf_postst3384_Download-Hearthstone-Bot---HearthRanger.aspx
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JoyAdmin;40263 wrote: Our whole new default a.i. module, as called 'vision a.i.', is almost completed and under internal testing, it has great potential to bring a.i. to a whole new level. We'll release it in the near future. Thats sounds so awesome! Please let the near future not be to far away :). Thanks a lot for the great work.
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Does this version work with the second wing [opera]? Or is it only me who has troubles with the bot?
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Bot works with all the new cards (with default a.i.), but bot doesn't work with solo adventures (except practice).
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Man I really want to try out this Vision A.I
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vision a.i. is still under developing.
default a.i. and silverfish a.i. are currently available a.i. modules.
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JoyAdmin;40480 wrote:vision a.i. is still under developing.
default a.i. and silverfish a.i. are currently available a.i. modules. ETA? doesnt have to be completely accurate just a time frame would be nice.. I wouldn't even mind a guess.
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will the vision a.i. perform better in arena then silverfish? i stopped botting like a year ago but a better arena performance would get me back (i also dont know if the silverfish a.i. improved in arena in the last year, the last time i checked it would get 0 to 3 wins per run)
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vision a.i. is the most advanced simulator, let's see what it can perform when it's released =)
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alright when it is out i'll give it a try until i have no gold left and will report back here
maybe i should start farming a little gold till then.. might not be wrong i guess
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What is the difference between the Silverfish version that comes when I update the Hearthranger client and Sepefeet's version? After updating, it said silverfish v127 but Sepefeet is on v123.4SE so who is developing the other version of silverfish?
I would also like to add something to keep in mind. If your new AI is magically awesome, it will bring attention to us and might force Blizzard's hand. Right now I am not the least bit worried about getting banned because the bot plays exactly on par with humans while using simple decks. The last time they were serious about ban waves with shamans (the most recent wave was just PR imo since it barely affected anyone) it was because a huge chunk of the players were doing it and it was obvious. I am just saying don't fly too close to the sun and end up bring the whole hearthranger community down because of it.
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The data sync problem seems to finally be fixed!
@johnny.fruits - Joy and I each develop our own branch of SF, don't compare the version numbers between his and mine. I think it would be fair to say that Joy's SF has mostly just been updated to support new cards while mine has had many features added, misplays fixed, crashes fixed (mostly from the old code), usability improvements...
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So Joy is developing His own branch of Silverfish, the Hearthranger deafult AI and also the Vision AI? Why not focus on one bro?
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We're focusing on vision a.i., but for smoothing upgrading, we keep updating released modules too.
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After latest update bot can't muligan (using silver ai). It check and uncheck middle card constantly.
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JoyAdmin;41227 wrote:We're focusing on vision a.i., but for smoothing upgrading, we keep updating released modules too.
when u gonna release the vision a.i?
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We're assembling everything now has done with vision a.i., no planned release date yet, but will try our best to release it as alpha/beta test a.s.a.p.
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Is bit working with new tavern brawl rules?
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predictions for the launch of vision A.I?
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