Originally Posted by: sepefeets 
@carins - afaict you're using HR's concede settings? That makes it a HR problem, yes?
I would recommend not using any autoconcede if you are trying to rank, but if you really want it then use SF's settings and you'll have to figure out for yourself what concedeOnBoardValue is acceptable to you.
See the OP for an explanation of data sync.
Using your cpu for other things will leave less for SF use which will make it take longer to decide what moves to make, which at the very least makes your games last longer and at worst causes you to rope out your turn not finishing making all the moves it wanted to.
@jsmwood729 - I'm not sure what's best there. We already spent a lot of time improving doomsayer playaround and I think letting it play summon minion deathrattles into doomsayer is probably good enough?
I want to add here:
@Carins, autoconcede is one reason you are not hitting rank 5, no-one told you to use it in the rank 5 tread, and my guide says specificly to
not use it. If you change variables from other people who are hitting rank 5. You are compairing apples with bananas.
Also silver takes your cpu for calculating, the less you have open the faster it calculates - Close everything when botting. Go watch a movie or such, unless you have some kind of Beast CPU. And even I dont do much else with my pc when iam botting. (hence i bot in the night)
@jsmwood729 I checked my combo, because it has a force to play Savannah on turn 6 (dunno if you use my files) but even without that combo the bot makes the play. Also like sepe says. I would make this play manual aswell. Leaving you with 2x 2/2 minions is tempo.