sepefeets;38990 wrote:Do you have autoconcede after win enabled? Casual has a hidden MMR (matchmaking rating) so if you just play normally then you will "rank up" without even knowing it. The ideal way to farm Casual is to start out by conceding every game for ~20 mins to lower your MMR to the bottom where you won't even earn gold for a win because your MMR is so low. Then you just enable the autoconcede after win option and ignore concedes in your stats and you will have ~90% win rate with practically any deck.
Wow. Thank you. I started to wonder about that.
Is this common knowledge? Is it posted somewhere obvious on the forum? Seems like it should be. Took me a long time to even start to suspect it.
There are options on when to concede that trigger when the deck performs poorly after playing: "has lethal" and "my HP", or slowly "plays turn".
The other concede options are different in that they're truly 'auto-condede': They concede before the deck is used.
Does "Exclude conceded" in the stats pane exclude both types? Or just the "pre-play" concedes?