I rarely rope. It only happens when the board requires 4+ recalcs.
I didn't devote numbers to the maxwide because I couldn't get it to stress my cpu enough. I probably did something wrong before. What do you suppose the upper limit for maxwide is (the maximum amount of calculations theoretically possible)?
Btw, can you explain this line to me?
nextTurnMaxWide = 600; //maximum boards calculated in one second-turn-"combo-step"
Is there a repository that contains the misplays for 625.6, 491 and ect?
On turn 4, it chose murloc tidecaller from peddler despite me setting a much highest bonus to flame imp?
I spoke about it before but I forgot to go over my full idea.
It was about creating library of cards for each class. It will initially use a general library of cards we specify until it spots certain cards that we also specify. For example, spot flameimp = zoo deck (similarly to what track o bot does, the source code is available for that, maybe it's usuable) and it plays on the basis that the opponent has these cards. For each deck, we can specify a play behavior (rush, face, control) and also prioritise the secrets to play around e.g. explosive>freezing. In addition, you can create a library for your own deck and it will play with consideration of the cards in your deck.