Originally Posted by: Dre Same result as me then with 121.3 - i had 45% on Face Shaman, you with Zoolock.
Will test 121.4 aswell.
@sepe, please not that both Scott and I have the same results with 2 different decks. (scott has no overload, no rockbiter no doomhammer) We both have 55-60% still on 121.0
We both have these winrates aprox:
121.0 = 55-60%
121.1 = 20-25%
121.2 = 30-35%
121.3 = 40-45%
We are getting in the right direction again, but no-one seemes to be able to explain why 121.0 has SUCH higher winrate on 2 different decks. Did you find something out in the meanwhile?
It's a hassle, but you can check for increased roping in the logs by looking to see if all of the planned actions for the turn were carried out.
V121.1SE changes included:
some additional database lookups. These could marginally increase calculation time but realistically it would not increase roping. I expect these improved winrate.
+ && !(hasJuggler && (card.type == CardDB.cardtype.MOB ||
this.summonMinionSpellsDatabase.ContainsKey(card.name)) && p.enemyMinions.Count > 0)
+ && !(hasCouncilman && (card.type == CardDB.cardtype.MOB ||
Tunnel Trogg was made a priority target. On par with flamewaker but less than manatide and flametongue. This represents a minor play-style change and should not have impacted the winrate drastically. If anything I would expect an improvement. You can check the impact of this by seeing if the winrate versus shaman decks went way down.
+ priorityTargets.Add(CardDB.cardName.tunneltrogg, 5);Large penalties were added for playing Tunnel Trogg and Overload improperly or for playing knife juggler/darkshire and minions improperly. Potentially, if the simulations only included the 'incorrect' play order, and it now is assigned a large penalty, the bot might make sub par moves. For example, without the penalty, playing tunnel trogg and overload in the wrong order might still be better than any of the simulated alternatives - but with the penalty, it is worse. If the bot did not simulate the correct play order, because the number of simulations in settings.txt is not high enough, then the bot may not find the correct play order. Sepefeet might be able to comment on how realistic this scenario is. If this code is the cause of the terrible winrates, only decks with tunneltrogg, knife juggler, or councilman should be impacted.
if (card.type == CardDB.cardtype.MOB || this.summonMinionSpellsDatabase.ContainsKey(card.name)) pen += 20;
+ }
+ if (a.own.name == CardDB.cardName.tunneltrogg)
+ {
+ if (card.overload > 0 && card.name != CardDB.cardName.elementaldestruction) pen += 20 * card.overload;
+ if (a.actionType == actionEnum.playcard)
+ {
+ if (a.card.card.overload > 0 && a.card.card.name != CardDB.cardName.elementaldestruction && card.name == CardDB.cardName.tunneltrogg)
+ {
+ pen += 25 * a.card.card.overload;
+ }
+ if (card.name == CardDB.cardName.knifejuggler && (a.card.card.type == CardDB.cardtype.MOB || this.summonMinionSpellsDatabase.ContainsKey(a.card.card.name))) //prioritize jugglers 1st
+ {
+ if (a.card.card.name != CardDB.cardName.knifejuggler) pen += 20;
+ }
+ if (card.name == CardDB.cardName.darkshirecouncilman && (a.card.card.type == CardDB.cardtype.MOB || this.summonMinionSpellsDatabase.ContainsKey(a.card.card.name))) //and councilman 2nd
+ {
+ if (a.card.card.name != CardDB.cardName.knifejuggler && a.card.card.name != CardDB.cardName.darkshirecouncilman) pen += 20;
+ }
+ }
}However, Midrange Shaman is back at the Rank 4-5 border using 121.4SE and 5.9.