Is the playability of a card only penalty-based?
For example, I have seen some times that "Mortal Coil" is not played as a card draw. It was played as damage on a card or in the wrong order for killing a card.
So, do you need to write a "rule" so that "Mortal Coil" is only used on 1hp cards or is it all penalty-based?
And another question regarding silverfish AI, since you have some experience working with it. If I am not mistaken it applies some kind of brute force to determine what to do next. This is not very productive after, for example, some knife juggles, because it takes a lot of time to make all the recalculations after each kill or board change. This results to a lot of roping for which I don't think I have to blame my quad core 3Ghz CPU.
If this is the case, I guess I would need to write a modified silverfish version specific for my zoolock, so that it does not brute force all the boards and works more efficiently on my system.
Is this supposed to happen when choosing behaviour face?
That is:
turn 1 | 2 abusivesergeant with coin --- enemy had played n'zoth first mate, he has 1/3 weapon and 1/1 on board
turn 2 | life tap(while having darkpeddler and knifejuggler) --- enemy goes loot hoarder
At some point later it decided to trade with (1/3)finley instead of (4/3)korkronelite.... who was threatening lethal in 2 turns.