I tried playing your midrange shaman deck, and the enemy warrior had justicar truehart and another minion with 3 health on board, and with spell power totem, the bot played 2 lightning storms back to back, when 1 lightning storm should have killed the minions already. Is the the sync bug??
this is the log:
start calculations, current time: 22:13:39:4653 V119.0SE control 5000 face 25 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 playaround 50 80 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 8/10
emana 10
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shaman 28 30 0 False False 64 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: False CS2_049 5
cthunbonus: 0 0 0
warrior 27 30 27 False False 66
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True AT_132_WARRIOR 0
fatigue: 16 0 16 0
wrathofairtotem CS2_052 zp:1 e:80 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt spllpwr(1)
justicartrueheart AT_132 zp:1 e:44 A:6 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
elisestarseeker LOE_079 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:2 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 hex 3 entity 14 EX1_246 0 0
pos 2 lightningstorm 3 entity 23 EX1_259 0 0
pos 3 bloodlust 5 entity 26 CS2_046 0 0
pos 4 lightningstorm 3 entity 19 EX1_259 0 0
pos 5 manatidetotem 3 entity 5 EX1_575 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
og: 78,1;841,1;1733,2;832,1;1491,2;976,1;144,1;
eg: 708,1;98,1;925,1;614,2;932,2;1012,1;1809,1;615,1;
play id 23 pos 1
playcard: Lightning Storm choice: 0 place1
minions count or hand changed
start calculations, current time: 22:13:44:9148 V119.0SE control 5000 face 25 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 playaround 50 80 ets 40 ets2 200 ents 40 plcmnt
mana 5/10
emana 10
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shaman 28 30 0 False False 64 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: False CS2_049 5
cthunbonus: 0 0 0
warrior 27 30 27 False False 66
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True AT_132_WARRIOR 0
fatigue: 16 0 16 0
wrathofairtotem CS2_052 zp:1 e:80 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt spllpwr(1)
justicartrueheart AT_132 zp:1 e:44 A:6 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
elisestarseeker LOE_079 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:2 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 hex 3 entity 14 EX1_246 0 0
pos 2 bloodlust 5 entity 26 CS2_046 0 0
pos 3 lightningstorm 3 entity 19 EX1_259 0 0
pos 4 manatidetotem 3 entity 5 EX1_575 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
og: 78,1;841,1;1733,2;832,1;1491,2;976,1;144,1;
eg: 708,1;98,1;925,1;614,2;932,2;1012,1;1809,1;615,1;
received 22:13:44:9148 actions to do: (currtime = 22:13:45.0991)
play id 19 pos 1
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 19 pos 1
play id 19 pos 1
playcard: Lightning Storm choice: 0 place1
play id 19 pos 1
playcard: Lightning Storm choice: 0 place1
mana changed 6 2 10 10 10 10