Hello everyone. Im writing this cause in the last few days (after the free trial went down from 4 hours to 2 hours), i have seen many people criticizing the free bot about not getting enough wins per day.
I get around 20 to 25 wins on wild per day after then change, and grind manually the other 5-10 wins on standard. My deck is certainly not the best for botting (it is a mech shaman), and some decks probably can reach 30 wins per day.
So im here to give you some tips that should drastically improve the bot daily performance.
- First of all, unless you bought a license or have a full wild secret paladin, i recommend to keep your rank 20 with the "concede if won last game" option.
- Use the bot schedule feature. It is free and requires very little set up.
1)Check those 2 boxes:

2) Let your Battle.Net and Hearthranger clients open.
3) The "Play" button on the Battle.Net must be visible, so just dont keep anything else open.
- The bot timer, unlike it says on the trial page, actually resets exactly 12 hours after you ran it, no matter for how long.
This can be used manipulate to work with the schedule.
If you wont run any conflicting programs with botting, just schedule it / remember to turn it on every 12 hours. That actually means you have 4 hours per day, and we used to have 8 hours per day (Which was FAR more than enough to get 30 wins per day, even with underwhelming decks.)
You can also get creative.
Lets say you want to play another blizzard game when at home, or some very heavy game that makes hearthstone unresponsive on the background (for instance, Dark Souls 3 would freeze Hearthstone, so i cant bot while playing it), but it would conflict with the "every 12 hours" recommendation.
On my country, the "daily quests" and "daily 100 gold limit" reset at 4AM. I can turn the bot at 6PM for about 5 minutes, then shut it down, then play whatever i want.
I then scheduler the bot to start at 4AM (just after the gold limit reset), it plays for 2 hours, then at 6AM (12 hours after 6PM), my timer will be refreshed, thus it will go from 0 minutes to 120 again, resulting in 4 straight hours of botting.
At 6PM the timer will reset once again, and i can either bot for 2 more hours, for a total 6 hours in a day (in detriment of the last day which was manipulated to only have 2 hours), or just activate it for 5 minutes and repeat the process of 4 straight hours just after the daily cap resets.
-Finally, there is what i called the "extra timer".
When the bot hits 0 minutes left, it doesnt stop playing immediatelly. It actually keep running for what i think is 15 minutes, so you have some window to stop the bot manually and assume direct control of the current game without the "auto concede" the bot triggers when actually stops. That time might get you one or two extra wins if you are lucky, so be sure to apply those 10 - 15 minutes to your calculations above.
So by having a good traced schedule of when you want to play HS yourself (so you can transfer those daily hours to the following day), or when you dont want to let the bot running that specific moment (so you can delay those 2 hours 10 more hours, without transferring it to another day), and making use of small overtime that is granted to you, you can squeeze the most of your bot free trial.
So, my point is, many people are mad about the bot while not even using it to its full potential, which is pretty annoying.
If you STILL dont think you have enough time to bot, cant get the 30 wins, want to leave rank 20, and maybe even let the bot do some serious grinding with a good deck you got in the Project NextGen thread, you can always buy the license. I know i will soon enough, after i save up some cash.
I guess that is all. Hope it have been useful.
Yours trully,