v. - Misc update. (HSBOT)
- Over 5000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.- Some cards bugs fixed in default A.I.- silverfish released with silver.exe and silver.dll. - Hearthranger bot now can auto switch silverfish class settings if it exists.Auto switch class settings is only valid in Hearthranger bot.
silverfish reads settings.txt to initialize parameters.
if you want to create each class's settings.txt, try the following steps:
create corresponding class settings like
Hearthranger will copy corresponding class settings file (if it exists) to overwrite settings.txt, so silverfish can read the correct settings file.
if there is a file named settings_common.txt exists, and there is no corresponding class settings file exists, hearthranger will copy settings_common.txt to overwrite settings.txt.
[Edit: Updated to v.]
- Bugs fixed - Bot gets stuck while using silver.exe
This happens when silver returns no action to HR, or casts a discovery card, while using silver.exe, now it's been fixed.
-Some cards re-tweaked.
Including Flametongue Totem,Sunfury Protector,Defender of Argus,Dire Wolf Alpha,Ancient Mage,Wee Spellstopper and other cards.
[Edit: Updated to v.]
- Over 5000 decks added to deck library for auto deck composer.
- Silverfish updated.
- Bugs fixed - Bot may stuck when buying arena ticket.
- Some cards re-tweaked.
- Other improvements.
How to update manually?Start
Launcher.exe at Hearthranger directory, then click [UPDATE] button.
[Download Page]http://www.hearthranger.com/forum/yaf_postst3384_Download-Hearthstone-Bot---HearthRanger.aspx