Trying to do a _mulligan and _combo.txt editor where you can edit and see real names / quick lookup cards etc.
Starting with running through all of data in AutoSwitch classes and have run into some things I don't really know what the lines says.
These lines are part of _mulligan.txt can someone please help me out?
// 1 x Annoy-o-Tron (GVG_085) + 1-Drop [Hunter, Paladin]
Question: Why is there a : before the last EX1_029? What does it do? If it wasn't there it would be either CS2_146, AT_029 or EX1_029.
// 1 x Voidcaller + Doomguard [Druid, Warlock, Warrior]
No clue where what this does...
Is it hold Voidcaller & Doomguard or Doomguard & Voidcaller?
Makes now scene to me ;)