sepefeets;36538 wrote:Honestly I'm not sure what you're saying or if you even know. You asked if there's any decks to get rank 5, we told you there are several in the nextgen thread, now you say you already knew that but it has taken you a while to understand how to set it up (there are guides linked in all the big threads). If you expected to just press a button and get rank 5 while you're missing lots of strong cards then you expected too much. People take the time to write the bot, the ai, find decks that work well for the bot/ai, and create configuration files to help it perform even better, but all that work can't do much of anything if you don't have the cards. One of the big reasons to bot isn't to get high ranks but rather to earn that ~150g/day so that you can collect many of the strong cards without paying money, and once you do THEN you can build the good decks and climb the ladder.
You are absolutely right my bad for being vague! You say that there are several but I say that there are 1 and truly 1 that gets you to rank 5 and that one is the secret paladin (Have not tried it yet but what I have read from the community)
I didnt say I am missing a lot of strong cards. I said for the new players to Hearthstone. I know that you need to have some cards to get higher in ranked play but that was not my point. My point is that hopefully both me and you know that you can get to rank 5 without so many cards in your arsenal if you play it manually and invest time in the game. What I am saying is that believe it or not I am deep-fully thankful to the programmers but there are yet many miles ahead. So hence the thread here for newcomers they now see that it doesn't work to just press start button on the bot and anticipate to get high in ranked play (I might be naive but I thought that by pressing the start button and getting some good mulligans, combos and settings I would get to rank 5).
About farming for gold and then playing arena or buy a pack is brilliant again I have to understate that I am not complaining. BUT and there is a BIG BUT you say that THEN you can build good decks and climb the ladder. Yes I can and many others can but they have to do it manually since as stated in the top of this post. There is only 1 that gets you to rank 5 and that is the secret paladin. (If you don't actually buy all the cards that are on that deck)