I tried using my fairly basic Paladin deck on casual mode to grind out a quest, left it out overnight, and when I woke up, the deck had a winrate of 3, yes 3% (2w/29l).
When I played a few games myself, I won 4 in a row without too much trouble, though I suppose those were at a lower level of play.
I was using the DeckRules_Default rules, which have worked well before, but somehow now has no synergy with the same deck.
Anyone have any idea what went tits up this time?
2x Avenge
1x Noble sacrifice
2xZombie chow
1xAcidic Swamp Oooze
1xArgen protector
2x Knife Juggler
1xDivine favor
1xMuster for battle
1xAldor Peacekeeper
2xShattered Sun Cleric
1xSpider Tank
2xTruesilver Champion
2xBlessing of Kings
2xKeeper of Uldaman
2xMurloc Knight
1xMukla's champion
1xTuskarr Jouster
1xSylvanas Windrunner