Thanks for the reply Joy - and re-directing my post to the proper sub-forum.
Managed to unlock the .dlls thanks to Nick Van's helpful post. Basically, re-ran the HR .ini helper.
I now can run HR with the external AI module - Silver v.117.3.
Quote:5. Open Oijkns ASC tool. Let it update found datasets if it wants. Show to it in the settings the silverfish folder (silverfish.exe needs to be there) and HearthRanger folder (yes the hearthranger.exe file needs to be in there). Leave the tool open
Then open the desktop folder where the tool is. Go to data folder. Go to the class folder you want to bot. In those folders you will find listed decks. Choose one. In Hearthstone, build that deck. Leave HearthStone open too.
Clicked top-left arrows, directed Silver to ..\extern\silverfish. Then directed HR to the HR folder (master folder). In Data under Paladin there are 7 decks listed, including an aggro one composed by Blackoak. His deck choices are different to mine, should I a. create my own aggro version or b. change his deck to reflect mine? - in both cases I miss the card IDs.