I have noticed the following misplays:
- Bot does not play a card after using a coin.
(Example: It is turn 3, a 2 cost minion is played. Bot uses a coin and ends turn, while it could play a 2 cost minion or not use coin at all)
Suggestion: Don't use coin at all if you are not going to play a card.
- Knife Juggler is treated like a simple card, while he should have the highest priority when coming into play with other minions.
(I have seen multiple times knife juggler being played after 2-3 cards)
Suggestion: If you are going to play knife juggler always play him first. (unless there is a more complicated decision-making involved regarding secrets)
- Sometimes bot refrains from attacking a taunted minion.
(Example: a single 1/2 taunt minion is on the board and its >10 turn. The bot has a giant 8/8. He ends the turn twice without attacking)
Suggestion: If you can kill a taunted minion, kill him. Otherwise it looks stupid and its a red flag that its a bot.
- Sometimes the bot will not concede when opponent has lethal.
- Bot played poorly.
(Example: Bot used 2 fireballs to kill a 8/8 taunt minion, instead of using one fireball and a 2/3 minion from the board.)
(Example: bot tried to kill a 9/7 minion like this: 3 damage from frostbolt +1 damage hero power + 4 damage from ice lance. Meaning that hero power was an overkill and could have been used better.
(Example: bot not using hero power even if there is mana available for it)
I understand that making a smart AI is not an easy task but it seems that there are misplays that could be easily avoided.
ps: calculations are at 40.000, enemy turn calculations are at 1.000, using default deck rule