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[Event - 2016 - Feb] Share Your Best Hearthranger Bot Ladder Deck To Get Free Lifetime Access !
#1 Posted : Monday, February 22, 2016 10:34:50 PM(UTC)
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New event opens for getting free lifetime access of HearthRanger !

How to get free lifetime access in this event?

- Upload your hearthranger bot play video with your best deck in ranked mode to youtube, and it needs to show it's played by bot.

- Post your full deck card list in youtube video description.

Hint - How to get deck card list by bot easily?

-->Open game --> Goto bot task editor --> Card Viewer Panel --> Select Deck --> Click [Copy Deck Card Names]

Then all deck card list is copied to your clipboard, you can paste it into youtube video description directly.

- Post your youtube video link in this thread.

- On 2016.03.07, I'll pick up the most popular 15 videos (most likes) to get free lifetime access of the author.

- Remember to hide your game account name by video editor software !

* Videos likes should not greater than views.

* If you don't know which video recorder is better, you can try this one: http://www.bandicam.com/

* Video must be made by yourself, and the upload date should not earlier than 2016.02.22 .

How to post video in this forum?

You can post it as the following [BB/] code:


If your video link is


You need to change to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZUy9H7crdo

(https --> http)

///////////////////THIS EVENT NOW ENDS///////////////////////////

Previous event link to show who got free lifetime access:
2 users thanked JoyAdmin for this useful post.
obeysnowman on 3/6/2016(UTC), eihror on 3/8/2016(UTC)
#2 Posted : Tuesday, February 23, 2016 10:31:24 AM(UTC)
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I didn't play ranked, because i would feel dirty using a bot in ranked, but i really want that free access, so i hope this video works anyway:

It shows my deck for making gold as fast as possible.
1 user thanked Kaze12345 for this useful post.
Rider on 3/3/2016(UTC)
#3 Posted : Tuesday, February 23, 2016 4:53:24 PM(UTC)
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My funny rank game :)

thanks all!
#4 Posted : Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:44:31 PM(UTC)
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Sorry for my bad English.
I played Hearthstone Asia server with HearthRanger for few days.
I think that this program has really great A.I. (default&Rush both)
With this program, you can play unranked game and ranked game, arena.
You can complete daily quest easily.
You can earn gold automatically.
First of all, It has really good lethal A.I.(I mean checkmate in hearthstone)
It has customizable bot settings. So you can make rule for your own deck. It really good function I think.
My Asia server rank tier was
I recommend hunter and mage deck to ranked game tier up fast. It works great with both deck.
I'm making warrior and warlock deck for HearthRanger. I tested both deck. I think pretty good to botting.

Thanks for watching my playing video. I'm newbie for this community. I have to be conscripted into the army for two years soon.
I really want to use this program with better A.I (sufficient now, but for extreme quality botting) after being discharged from military.
I hope you guys enjoy playing Hearthstone with the Best program 'HearthRanger'.


This is my hunter deck with Hearthhead deck builder.

And this is my bot option settings.
#5 Posted : Wednesday, February 24, 2016 1:50:25 AM(UTC)
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#Share Your Deck Builds For HearthRanger (HSBOT)#
Hi, my video =)

Please, I need Free Lifetime Access =)
#6 Posted : Wednesday, February 24, 2016 3:39:16 AM(UTC)

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Hello, I share my RANK game with SECRET PALADIN DECK.
Have fun!

THX for watching + like !!!.
Vision a.i. Is HERE !!

#7 Posted : Wednesday, February 24, 2016 3:58:37 AM(UTC)
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Just another standard ranked win :)

#8 Posted : Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2:55:11 PM(UTC)
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If our youtube name differs from our forum name, would this be an issue for verifying the video was made by us?

Additionally, must the video consist of only the game or are we able to discuss related topics, such as artificial intelligence?
#9 Posted : Wednesday, February 24, 2016 10:52:50 PM(UTC)
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If no other users come out to claim your video is copied from others, then it will be verified as yours.

Sure you can discuss a.i. if the video is fulfill the conditions of this event.
#10 Posted : Friday, February 26, 2016 5:19:53 AM(UTC)
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Cheap win but you get the idea, I've gotten up to rank 12 with this deck.
#11 Posted : Friday, February 26, 2016 3:09:29 PM(UTC)
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Here´s my video
I speeded up in rank 20 to 16. At rank 16 to 15, is normal speed.

MidRange Hunter Deck:
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Freezing Trap
2x Explosive Trap
2x Houndmaster
2x Knife Juggler
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Savannah Highmane
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Mad Scientist
2x Webspinner
1x Loatheb
2x Piloted Shredder
1x Dr. Boom
1x Hunter's Mark
2x Kill Command
2x Animal Companion
#12 Posted : Friday, February 26, 2016 10:49:23 PM(UTC)
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Hello! well to day i will share with you guys the best deck i recently had and it's zoo warlock and i really want to explain more about why warlock is better with bot specially with zoo kind of deck cause in the zoo deck you want to draw more and play as much as u can on the ground and from my opinion i see that the warlock the best thing for this cause of the hero power and also the low cost cards on warlock and lots of good charge like
[Doom Guard] Doomguard
and also a very good 1 drop which is [Flame Imp] Flame Imp
and you can also add this card which is Power Overwhelming Power Overwhelming

These are the main 3 cards that u need to have in your deck all the time they are the wining cards
and here is a list of my own deck
Deck List the highest rank i reached with this deck upon all time is (9) and u can reach more just some luck, i guess cause i was one win away from 8 here is a video for a game play in rank 13 and a prove for what i am saying

Warlock Vs Priest rank 13 game play highest rank reached is 9
cheap cost deck

Voidwalker x2
Power Overwhelming x2
Flame Imp x2
Abusive Sergeant x2
Ironbeak Owl x1
Doomguard x2
Dire Wolf Alpha x2
Knife Juggler x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Dark Peddler x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dark Iron Dwarf x2
Arcane Golem x1
Leper Gnome x2
Nerubian Egg x2
Floating Watcher x1
Anubisath Sentinel x1
#13 Posted : Saturday, February 27, 2016 1:15:06 AM(UTC)
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Botting my way to legend, with Hearthranger. So much free gold. omgz! Making people concede left and right. Currently grinding at rank 12.

Hunter's Mark x1
Webspinner x2
Explosive Trap x1
Freezing Trap x2
Quick Shot x2
Haunted Creeper x2
Ironbeak Owl x1
Knife Juggler x2
Mad Scientist x2
Eaglehorn Bow x2
Animal Companion x2
Kill Command x2
Unleash the Hounds x2
Houndmaster x2
Piloted Shredder x1
Loatheb x1
Savannah Highmane x2
Dr. Boom x1
#14 Posted : Saturday, February 27, 2016 5:06:01 AM(UTC)
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A Rank 9 Ladder win w/ everyone's favorite deck - Secretdin, vs. Midrange Hunter

This deck along with my custom siverfish configuration usually net me rank 6 (5 if i'm lucky) if I start it at mid season, this makes it easy to get the rank 5 rewards every season and i'd totally recommend this for anyone who likes an easy ladder experience.



Ironbeak Owl x1
Divine Favor x1
Sir Finley Mrrgglton x1
Redemption x1
Noble Sacrifice x2
Tirion Fordring x1
Knife Juggler x2
Haunted Creeper x1
Avenge x2
Shielded Minibot x2
Muster for Battle x2
Piloted Shredder x2
Dr. Boom x1
Competitive Spirit x1
Mysterious Challenger x2
Truesilver Champion x1
Keeper of Uldaman x2
Secretkeeper x2
Sludge Belcher x1
Blessing of Kings x1
Coghammer x1
1 user thanked Technowafflefrisbee for this useful post.
echomadness on 2/27/2016(UTC)
#16 Posted : Saturday, February 27, 2016 2:09:55 PM(UTC)
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Hey guys, this is my hearthranger warlock ranked video, feel free to use this bot in ranked to get you'r golden char!)
#17 Posted : Saturday, February 27, 2016 3:44:15 PM(UTC)
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Hey guys :) The video and the deck i will show you is not the best but works very good with priest.
I farmed 8 heroes already with this bot and i must thank to joey for this amazing tool.
The priest is my last class so i decided to make a mech priest,is not the best deck since i dont have the last wing of LOE ( museum curator would be nice in this deck )
Shadow boxer would fit perfectly into this deck too but i don't have it ... i must have DE it some time ago .
If you want to farm golden heroes i have some tips on decks:
-Warlock : zoo
-Warrior : aggro ( i created myself one with synergized well but i deleted it :( )
-Paladin : eboladin ( or aggro paladin )/secret paladin
-Hunter : i used face hunter but i dont recommend you so because the bot doesnt work that good with it,i think another aggro deck would be better
-Rogue : aggro rogue ( same,i created myself one but i dont find it )
-Mage : mech
-Shaman : mech
-Druid : aggro druid
-Priest : mech priest ...
About this deck : since i dont have premium ( i entered this giveaway ) i made maximum 17 wins in 4 hours ... i think it is a great deck,it actually hit rank 13 with the bot and i think it could go further but i started to farm at 15-20 because is faster.
Maybe some of you would think " you farmed almost all classes,why do you want the lifetime ?" R: my goal is the full collection and i dont want to stop until i reach it.
I play a lot of arenas too to make gold for cards ( i have 3 12wins :D )
Here is the video ( my pc sucks so the bot + the cam moves very bad )

Btw,here are the stats in the last few days if you make a simple estimation,these are the stats from 3,8 days of using it :
#18 Posted : Saturday, February 27, 2016 3:49:10 PM(UTC)
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Hello guys , this is my FaceHunter deck. I have more than 65% win chance with it at rank 12 in EU server.

I recorded a gameplay video , this match was a hard one but the bot managed to win and as you can see in the end of the video I was at a winstreak ^-^
Also I am using wrong mulligan and the bot discards everything at start so when I fix it maybe the win chance will go higher.

So without more talking , here is the video.

And here is the deck I am using:

If you like this deck , please give a "Thumb Up" in YouTube , thanks. :)
#19 Posted : Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:14:32 AM(UTC)
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Sorry people, but this is not a good idea.
As long as people only THINK you are a bot the chance of being banned are remote, if you are careful.
But blatantly posting Youtube video's of your bot playing ? That is asking for a ban.

Although I like the idea of a lifetime free access it's a bit useless without actually having your account ......
#20 Posted : Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:43:23 PM(UTC)
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Hybrid Hunter
I'm sharing my Hybrid Hunter Deck.
It's mostly a Face Hunter with some Mid Game.


At the End of the Video you see my Stats from letting the Bot playing this Deck for 60min today.
#21 Posted : Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:54:57 PM(UTC)

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There is my budget mech mage


1x Clockwork Gnome
2x Cogmaster
2x Mana Wyrm
2x Frostbolt
2x Unstable Portal
2x Anoy-o-Tron
2x Mechwarper
2x Snowchugger
1x Harvest Golem
2x Spider Tank
1x Tinkertown Technician
2x Fireball
2x Goblin Blastmage
2x Piloted Shredder
2x Water Elemental
2x Clockwork Knight
1x Loatheb
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