Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Registered
Posts: 324
Thanks: 67 times Was thanked: 83 time(s) in 66 post(s)
Please fix this: BUGS\MISSPLAYS (keeping updating while testing this deck):
Cruel Taskmaster buffing enemy minion:
HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 2 -100 1 0 2 0 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:29:54:8270 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 2/2 emana 1 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 30 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_102 0 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 30 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 25 0 25 0 OwnMinions: EnemyMinions: knifejuggler NEW1_019 zp:1 e:21 A:3 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 deathsbite 4 entity 58 FP1_021 0 2 pos 2 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 3 crueltaskmaster 2 entity 60 EX1_603 0 0 pos 4 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 5 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: eg:
received 11:29:54:8270 actions to do: (currtime = 11:29:55.0857) play id 60 target 21 pos 1 set best action----------------------------------- -a- play id 60 target 21 pos 1
nmgsim- nmgsime- play id 60 target 21 pos 1
playcard: Cruel Taskmaster target: Knife Juggler choice: 0 place1 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 3 0 2 1 3 2 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:30:21:6671 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 3/3 emana 2 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 25 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_102 0 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 30 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 24 0 24 0 OwnMinions: crueltaskmaster EX1_603 zp:1 e:60 A:2 H:1 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0 EnemyMinions: knifejuggler NEW1_019 zp:1 e:21 A:5 H:1 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0 ex wrathguard AT_026 zp:2 e:27 A:4 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 deathsbite 4 entity 58 FP1_021 0 2 pos 2 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 3 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 4 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 5 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: eg:
received 11:30:21:6671 actions to do: (currtime = 11:30:21.7464) attack 60 enemy 21 useability set best action----------------------------------- -a- attacker: 60 enemy: 21
-a- useability
nmgsim- nmgsime- attacker: 60 enemy: 21
attackWithMinion: Cruel Taskmaster target: Knife Juggler choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:30:25:6749 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 3/3 emana 2 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 25 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_102 0 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 30 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 24 0 24 0 OwnMinions: EnemyMinions: wrathguard AT_026 zp:1 e:27 A:4 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 deathsbite 4 entity 58 FP1_021 0 2 pos 2 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 3 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 4 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 5 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: EX1_603,60; enemyDiedMinions: NEW1_019,21; og: 833,1; eg: 886,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- useability
useHeroPower: Armor Up! choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 4 1 3 2 4 3 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:30:49:1033 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 4/4 emana 3 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 23 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 0 0 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 30 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 23 0 23 0 OwnMinions: EnemyMinions: wrathguard AT_026 zp:1 e:27 A:4 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex junglepanther EX1_017 zp:2 e:7 A:4 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt stlth Own Handcards: pos 1 deathsbite 4 entity 58 FP1_021 0 2 pos 2 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 3 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 4 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 5 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 6 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: EX1_603,60; enemyDiedMinions: NEW1_019,21; og: 833,1; eg: 886,1;
received 11:30:49:1033 actions to do: (currtime = 11:30:49.1498) play id 58 pos 1 heroattack 27 set best action----------------------------------- -a- play id 58 pos 1
-a- attack with hero, enemy: 27
nmgsim- nmgsime- play id 58 pos 1
playcard: Death's Bite choice: 0 place1 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:30:53:4825 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/4 emana 3 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 23 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 2 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 30 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 23 0 23 0 OwnMinions: EnemyMinions: wrathguard AT_026 zp:1 e:27 A:4 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0 ex junglepanther EX1_017 zp:2 e:7 A:4 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt stlth Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 3 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 4 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 5 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: EX1_603,60; enemyDiedMinions: NEW1_019,21; og: 833,1; eg: 886,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- attack with hero, enemy: 27
attackWithHero: Garrosh Hellscream target: Wrathguard choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 5 0 4 3 5 4 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:31:25:7260 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 5/5 emana 4 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 22 0 22 0 OwnMinions: EnemyMinions: junglepanther EX1_017 zp:1 e:7 A:4 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0 ex Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 blackwingcorruptor 5 entity 52 BRM_034 0 0 pos 3 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 4 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 5 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 6 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 Enemy cards: 5 ownDiedMinions: EX1_603,60; enemyDiedMinions: NEW1_019,21;AT_026,27; og: 833,1; eg: 886,1;97,1;
received 11:31:25:7260 actions to do: (currtime = 11:31:25.8065) play id 52 target 7 pos 1 set best action----------------------------------- -a- play id 52 target 7 pos 1
nmgsim- nmgsime- play id 52 target 7 pos 1
playcard: Blackwing Corruptor target: Jungle Panther choice: 0 place1 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:31:32:6779 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/5 emana 4 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 22 0 22 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt EnemyMinions: Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 4 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 5 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 Enemy cards: 5 ownDiedMinions: EX1_603,60; enemyDiedMinions: EX1_017,7;NEW1_019,21;AT_026,27; og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 6 -100 5 4 6 5 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:31:54:9067 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 6/6 emana 5 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 21 0 21 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 EnemyMinions: mogushanwarden EX1_396 zp:1 e:11 A:1 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt murlocraider CS2_168 zp:2 e:15 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 4 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 5 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 6 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;886,1;97,1;
received 11:31:54:9067 actions to do: (currtime = 11:31:55.3871) useability play id 48 pos 2 attack 52 enemy 11 set best action----------------------------------- -a- useability
-a- play id 48 pos 2
-a- attacker: 52 enemy: 11
nmgsim- nmgsime- useability
useHeroPower: Armor Up! choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:31:59:0717 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 4/6 emana 5 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: False CS2_102 1 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 21 0 21 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 EnemyMinions: mogushanwarden EX1_396 zp:1 e:11 A:1 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt murlocraider CS2_168 zp:2 e:15 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 twilightguardian 4 entity 48 AT_017 0 0 pos 4 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 5 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 6 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- play id 48 pos 2
playcard: Twilight Guardian choice: 0 place2 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:32:05:2901 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/6 emana 5 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: False CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 21 0 21 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 twilightguardian AT_017 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:6 mH:6 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt EnemyMinions: mogushanwarden EX1_396 zp:1 e:11 A:1 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt murlocraider CS2_168 zp:2 e:15 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 4 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 5 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- attacker: 52 enemy: 11
attackWithMinion: Blackwing Corruptor target: Mogu'shan Warden choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:32:09:3058 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/6 emana 5 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: False CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 26 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 21 0 21 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:3 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex twilightguardian AT_017 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:6 mH:6 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt EnemyMinions: mogushanwarden EX1_396 zp:1 e:11 A:1 H:2 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex tnt ptt murlocraider CS2_168 zp:2 e:15 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 4 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 5 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- HR is to fast... recalc-check########### mana changed 7 -100 6 5 7 6 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:32:51:5380 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 7/7 emana 6 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 24 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 20 0 19 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:3 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 twilightguardian AT_017 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:3 mH:6 rdy:True natt:0 tnt EnemyMinions: loothoarder EX1_096 zp:1 e:25 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt loothoarder EX1_096 zp:2 e:14 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 4 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 5 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 pos 6 crueltaskmaster 2 entity 35 EX1_603 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;760,1;414,1;886,1;97,1;
received 11:32:51:5380 actions to do: (currtime = 11:32:53.2941) attack 52 enemy 64 play id 49 pos 1 heroattack 14 attack 48 enemy 64 set best action----------------------------------- -a- attacker: 52 enemy: 64
-a- play id 49 pos 1
-a- attack with hero, enemy: 14
-a- attacker: 48 enemy: 64
nmgsim- nmgsime- attacker: 52 enemy: 64
attackWithMinion: Blackwing Corruptor target: Gul'dan choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:32:56:5862 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 7/7 emana 6 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 19 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 20 0 19 0 OwnMinions: blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:52 A:5 H:3 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex twilightguardian AT_017 zp:2 e:48 A:3 H:3 mH:6 rdy:True natt:0 tnt EnemyMinions: loothoarder EX1_096 zp:1 e:25 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt loothoarder EX1_096 zp:2 e:14 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 drboom 7 entity 49 GVG_110 0 0 pos 3 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 4 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 5 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 pos 6 crueltaskmaster 2 entity 35 EX1_603 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;760,1;414,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- play id 49 pos 1
playcard: Dr. Boom choice: 0 place1 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### entityupdate! 1001 to 72 entityupdate! 1000 to 71 ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:33:01:8789 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/7 emana 6 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 2 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 19 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 20 0 19 0 OwnMinions: boombot GVG_110t zp:1 e:72 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt drboom GVG_110 zp:2 e:49 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt boombot GVG_110t zp:3 e:71 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:4 e:52 A:5 H:3 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex twilightguardian AT_017 zp:5 e:48 A:3 H:3 mH:6 rdy:True natt:0 tnt EnemyMinions: loothoarder EX1_096 zp:1 e:25 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt loothoarder EX1_096 zp:2 e:14 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 3 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 4 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 pos 5 crueltaskmaster 2 entity 35 EX1_603 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;760,1;414,1;886,1;97,1;
noRecalcNeeded!!!----------------------------------- nmgsim- nmgsime- attack with hero, enemy: 14
attackWithHero: Garrosh Hellscream target: Loot Hoarder choice: 0 place0 HR is to fast... recalc-check########### deck/fatigue changed 20 20 19 17 0 0 0 0 ownhero changed 15 15 4 0 0 0 False False False False False False ####################################################################### start calculations, current time: 11:33:06:9562 V117.3 control 5000 face 12 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 16 160 ets 16 secret ####################################################################### mana 0/7 emana 6 own secretsCount: 0 enemy secretsCount: 0 ; player: 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ownhero: warrior 15 30 0 False False 66 True 0 False 4 0 weapon: 4 1 deathsbite ability: True CS2_102 2 osecrets: enemyhero: warlock 19 30 0 False False 64 weapon: 0 0 unknown ability: True CS2_056 0 fatigue: 20 0 19 0 OwnMinions: boombot GVG_110t zp:1 e:72 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt drboom GVG_110 zp:2 e:49 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt boombot GVG_110t zp:3 e:71 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:4 e:52 A:5 H:3 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex twilightguardian AT_017 zp:5 e:48 A:3 H:3 mH:6 rdy:True natt:0 tnt EnemyMinions: loothoarder EX1_096 zp:1 e:25 A:2 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt Own Handcards: pos 1 biggamehunter 3 entity 54 EX1_005 0 0 pos 2 deathsbite 4 entity 45 FP1_021 0 2 pos 3 azuredrake 5 entity 42 EX1_284 0 0 pos 4 slam 2 entity 34 EX1_391 0 0 pos 5 crueltaskmaster 2 entity 35 EX1_603 0 0 Enemy cards: 4 ownDiedMinions: enemyDiedMinions: og: 833,1; eg: 587,1;760,1;414,1;886,1;97,1;
received 11:33:06:9562 actions to do: (currtime = 11:33:07.0343) attack 48 enemy 64 set best action----------------------------------- -a- attacker: 48 enemy: 64
nmgsim- nmgsime- attacker: 48 enemy: 64
attackWithMinion: Twilight Guardian target: Gul'dan choice: 0 place0
Hungry Dragon from opponent spawns pit snake, bot using corruptor on dragon and then killing it with pit snake (wth!):
Playing naked Twilight Guardians instead of crueltaskmaster+execute Flamewaker (or maybe millions of other plays but not playing naked guardians please :D! )
I'm trying to make this deck working for the nextgen project since warrior is not there. This deck might be good enough for HR but i can't configure mulligan and combo. any advices so i can test it and post the results? Deck:
For example keep in starting hand a dragon such as azure drake or fairie dragon for guardians activator and maybe slam on grommash as win condition... Also you can check in the log death's bite attacked 1 of 2 on board loot hoarder instead of hitting face and using weapon deathrattle. The whole things done AFTER playing dr boom which should be played BEFORE the weapon attack. tested it with blackoak combo for CW:
// This File: _combo.txt // Author: Blackoak // Version: 0.4 (20-Oct-15) // Deck Name: ControlWarrior // Hero: Warrior // Deck Type: Control
// IDEAL OPENER // [Nudge] [0] The Coin (GAME_005) + [2] Armorsmith (EX1_402) > [2] Cruel Taskmaster (EX1_603) GAME_005,0;EX1_402,0;nxttrn;EX1_603,0;mana:1;bonusfirst:25;bonussecond:50;hero:warrior
// WIN CONDITION // [9] Alexstrasza (EX1_561) > [8] Grommash Hellscream (EX1_414) + [2] Cruel Taskmaster (EX1_603) EX1_561,25;nxttrn;EX1_414,25;EX1_603,10;bonusfirst:125;bonussecond:400;hero:warrior
// [9] Alexstrasza (EX1_561) > [8] Grommash Hellscream (EX1_414) + [2] Slam (EX1_391) EX1_561,25;nxttrn;EX1_414,25;EX1_391,10;bonusfirst:125;bonussecond:400;hero:warrior
The wincondition might be exact, but i need more tweaks like nudge and staff according to the deck. Also, what to add and to cut here in the mulligan?
// This File: _mulligan.txt // Author: Blackoak // Version: 0.28 (23-Oct-15) // History: [add] Slam thanks Dre // Credits: Dre // Deck Name: ControlWarrior // Hero: Warrior // Deck Type: Control
// - W A R R I O R ------------------------------ // [1] Execute (CS2_108) // [1] Shield Slam (EX1_410) // [2] Armorsmith (EX1_402) // [2] Fiery War Axe (CS2_106) // [2] Slam (EX1_391) // [3] Bash (AT_064) // [3] Shield Block (EX1_606) // [4] Death's Bite (FP1_021) // [5] Brawl (EX1_407) // [6] Shieldmaiden (GVG_053) // [8] Grommash Hellscream (EX1_414) // - N E U T R A L ------------------------------ // [3] Acolyte of Pain (EX1_007) // [3] Big Game Hunter (EX1_005) // [4] Sen'jin Shieldmasta (CS2_179) // [5] Sludge Belcher (FP1_012) // [6] Emperor Thaurissan (BRM_017) // [6] Sylvanas Windrunner (EX1_016) // [7] Baron Geddon (EX1_249) // [7] Dr. Boom (GVG_110) // [9] Ysera (EX1_572) // - V A R I A T I O N S ------------------------ // [1] Whirlwind (EX1_400) // [2] Cruel Taskmaster (EX1_603) // [2] Explosive Sheep (GVG_076) // [2] Revenge (BRM_015) // [3] Coldlight Oracle (EX1_050) // [5] Faceless Manipulator (EX1_564) // [5] Harrison Jones (EX1_558) // [7] Chillmaw (AT_123) // [8] Ragnaros the Firelord (EX1_298) // [9] Mekgineer Thermaplugg (GVG_116) // [10] Varian Wrynn (AT_072)
// - A L L -------------------------------------- // 1 x Slam hold;warrior;all;EX1_391 // 1 x Acolyte of Pain + Coin hold;warrior;all;EX1_007:1;coin // 1 x Armorsmith hold;warrior;all;EX1_402:1 // 1 x Fiery War Axe hold;warrior;all;CS2_106:1 // 1 x Cruel Taskmaster + Armorsmith (against aggro = Always on curve) hold;warrior;all;EX1_603:1:EX1_402/CS2_108;coin // 1 x Cruel Taskmaster + Acolyte of Pain (against aggro = Always on curve) hold;warrior;all;EX1_603:1:EX1_402/CS2_108;nocoin
// - D R U I D ---------------------------------- // 1-DROP // 1 x Execute hold;warrior;druid;CS2_108:1 // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;druid;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Cruel Taskmaster hold;warrior;druid;EX1_603:1 // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;druid;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;druid;BRM_015:1 // 1 x Slam hold;warrior;druid;EX1_391
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;druid;EX1_007:1 // 1 x Bash hold;warrior;druid;AT_064:1 // 1 x Shield Block + Shield Slam (curve) hold;warrior;druid;EX1_606:1:EX1_410
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;druid;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Sludge Belcher + Coin hold;warrior;druid;FP1_012:1;coin
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart (curve) hold;warrior;druid;AT_132
// - H U N T E R -------------------------------- // 1-DROP // 1 x Shield Slam (curve) hold;warrior;hunter;EX1_410:1 // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;hunter;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;hunter;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;hunter;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // Discard! Acolyte of Pain discard;warrior;hunter;EX1_007 // 1 x Bash hold;warrior;hunter;AT_064:1 // 1 x Shield Block + Shield Slam (curve) hold;warrior;hunter;EX1_606:1:EX1_410
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;hunter;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;shaman;EX1_407:1 // Harrison Jones (Perfect Curve) hold;warrior;hunter;EX1_558 // 1 x Sludge Belcher hold;warrior;hunter;FP1_012:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;hunter;AT_132 // 1 x Shieldmaiden + Coin hold;warrior;hunter;GVG_053:1;coin
// - M A G E ------------------------------------ // 1-DROP // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;mage;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;mage;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;mage;BRM_015:1 // 1 x Shield Slam (curve) hold;warrior;mage;EX1_410:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Bash hold;warrior;mage;AT_064:1 // 1 x Shield Block + Shield Slam (curve) hold;warrior;mage;EX1_606:1:EX1_410
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;mage;FP1_021:1 // 1 x Sen'jin Shieldmasta hold;warrior;mage;CS2_179:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;mage;EX1_407:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;mage;AT_132
// - P A L A D I N ------------------------------ // 1-DROP // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;pala;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;pala;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;pala;BRM_015:1
// 3-Drop // 1 x Bash hold;warrior;pala;AT_064:1 // 1 x Coldlight Oracle hold;warrior;pala;EX1_050:1
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;pala;FP1_021:1 // 1 x Death's Bite or Whirlwind discard;warrior;pala;FP1_021:1:EX1_400
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl + 3-Drop hold;warrior;pala;EX1_407:1:AT_064/EX1_606/EX1_007 // Harrison Jones + Coin hold;warrior;pala;EX1_558;coin
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;pala;AT_132
// - P R I E S T -------------------------------- // 1-DROP // 1 x Execute hold;warrior;priest;CS2_108:1 // 1 x Shield Slam hold;warrior;priest;EX1_410:1 // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;priest;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;priest;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;priest;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;priest;EX1_007:1
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;priest;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;priest;EX1_407:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;priest;AT_132
// - R O G U E ---------------------------------- // 1-DROP // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;thief;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;thief;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;thief;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;thief;EX1_007:1 // 1 x Shield Block hold;warrior;thief;EX1_606:1
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;thief;FP1_021:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;thief;AT_132
// - S H A M A N -------------------------------- // 1-DROP // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;shaman;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;shaman;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;shaman;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;shaman;EX1_007:1 // Bash ???? // hold;warrior;shaman;AT_064
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;shaman;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;shaman;EX1_407:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;shaman;AT_132
// - W A R L O C K ------------------------------ // 1-DROP // 1 x Execute hold;warrior;warlock;CS2_108:1 // 1 x Shield Slam hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_410:1 // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;warlock;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;warlock;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_007:1 // 1 x Big Game Hunter hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_005:1 // 1 x Shield Block + Shield Slam hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_606:1:EX1_410
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;warlock;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;warlock;EX1_407:1
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;warlock;AT_132
// - W A R R I O R ------------------------------ // 1-DROP // 1 x Whirlwind hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_400:1
// 2-DROP // 1 x Explosive Sheep hold;warrior;warrior;GVG_076:1 // 1 x Revenge hold;warrior;warrior;BRM_015:1
// 3-DROP // 1 x Acolyte of Pain hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_007:1 // 1 x Bash hold;warrior;warrior;AT_064:1 // Big Game Hunter ???? // hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_005 // Shield Block hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_606
// 4-DROP // 1 x Death's Bite hold;warrior;warrior;FP1_021:1
// 5-DROP // 1 x Brawl hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_407:1 // Harrison Jones hold;warrior;warrior;EX1_558
// 6-DROP // Justicar Trueheart hold;warrior;warrior;AT_132
Any advices will help me testing it and post results in the nexgen threads.