incarnati0n;33893 wrote:Can you post which command it spams?
This could potentially be caused by your system exceeding its allowed resources (RAM, processing, GPU usage...etc)
However I think if you are using silverfish it might also have something to do with that, I had the same issue earlier where it just spams "botPlayer working" and silverfish then stops responding, try running as admin on Hearthranger.exe that's what fixed it for me.
On a side note if I were you I'd set up a VMWorkstation and put all the HS and bot files there, that way you will never suffer from any crashes.
My PC isn't too bad, but if i play another game whilst playing Hearthstone, and then go back to Hearthstone, it sometimes reconnects and if this happens, then it spams a command :TransitStateMachineFromIdle
Even if i open HearthRanger as an administrator, it does the same thing....