Anyone have any suggestions? I seem to do pretty decent in unranked with deck rules set to Rush on my Mech Warrior deck but soon as I jumped in Ranked it's over, I lose every game.
I am wondering what is causing this? I am fairly new to HR so I am guessing what it is that is causing this is my lack of some sort of modified deck rule xls file thing. Are there any basic aggro or basic warrior deck rules out there? I see stickies for mulligans and combos but nothing for these Deck Rules. Is there a way to create my own? Some sort of page explaining how to edit the file and what every value means etc?
Regardless. obviously just trying to get 500 wins with Warrior, my Mech Warrior will only get me to Rank 12. I would like to just keep him at Rank 19&20 therefore get to 500 wins easier, would be a much higher winrate than if I were to let the bot run him to Rank 12.
Are these deck rules that important? Especially with the Silverfish addon? I have the default combo and mulligans for Silverfish obviously. Should I set my deck rules to the default setting instead of rush?
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