Been working with BossBot on here to optimize a casual gold grind set up for those of us looking to use ranked for project legend.
With the new concede after wins feature added, I think we got it.
Step 1: Have the bot auto concede games until you get the message "you or your opponent do not meet the rating requirement for gold" on a win
Step 2: Win games until the VERY first one you get gold in
This means you have found the exact lowest MMR you can have where you can still get gold (absolute lowest competition you can farm) so begin botting
for gold cap here.
Rules, Mulligan, Combos all standard from black oak's data set for face hunter.
Deck list is the "deck(budget)" list black oak has included in the data set with 1 change of: -1 arcane golem, +1 worgen infiltrator

Bot hit gold cap in about 4 hrs 45 min going 30-4.
I let the bot start off 7-2 before implementing the concede after wins feature because the goal is to stay at 50% win rate exactly, so your MMR does not move up to harder
competition or move down to where you can't get gold. Its better to error on side of harder competition than 0 gold for wins so finishing 30-27 total with concedes puts me 3
wins above base gold MMR (and thats fine since you would like a buffer for variance).
The full game log is not in the image just to show start and end times.