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Project: Legend - Silverfish Ladder Climb (Expert Users)
#465 Posted : Tuesday, November 3, 2015 4:53:03 PM(UTC)
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BlackOak;32054 wrote:
Sorry for the down time guys real life caught up with me but I'm now back on track. So I'll catch up on all these posts, PM's and buddy requests plus post my findings for the testing I did at the end of the season :)1) Murloc Knight is a good card but I have not found many deck that the bot likes to play with this card (but I continue to search) 2) Quick win/loss deck I would say aggro but mid-range has a better win ratio. 3) If you have a better deck then please post it here. 4) I will revisit that combo (it is really becoming a bugbear for me though)_combo.txt can only tell the silverfish what cards are in the combo, it chooses which order to play them (unless it's a two turn combo) misplays regarding which order they are played need to be posted on botmaker's silverfish thread. on my to do list :)
Again I will have a look at this but change the 250 to something like 50 for now.

Ok, thank you so much :). Here is that Agro deck that worked really well for me :)
#474 Posted : Wednesday, November 4, 2015 1:12:54 AM(UTC)
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Just wanted to point out that in the nov3 Data.zip theres no decklist for Midrange Paladin, not sure if it affects its operation or you can simply create one yourself.
#475 Posted : Thursday, November 5, 2015 7:14:25 AM(UTC)
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Hey guys, I found out one new problem about Secret Palladin (Mid Range). I played against Freeze Mage and he used Explosive Sheep (I had my Silverhand recruit on board, buffed with Taunt and Avenge) however he didnt kill that sheep, he played knife Juggler and then tapped. And the Freeze Mage cleared my board, so I lost one card by this process. I wanted to look at the log, however it didnt save, I dont know why. Is there any way to learn the bot, what card that Explosive Sheep is and why to kill it first, before putting minions? It happened 2nd time, so I thought that it would be helpful to post it here :).
#476 Posted : Thursday, November 5, 2015 7:22:39 AM(UTC)

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Janko123;32135 wrote:
Hey guys, I found out one new problem about Secret Palladin (Mid Range). I played against Freeze Mage and he used Explosive Sheep (I had my Silverhand recruit on board, buffed with Taunt and Avenge) however he didnt kill that sheep, he played knife Juggler and then tapped. And the Freeze Mage cleared my board, so I lost one card by this process. I wanted to look at the log, however it didnt save, I dont know why. Is there any way to learn the bot, what card that Explosive Sheep is and why to kill it first, before putting minions? It happened 2nd time, so I thought that it would be helpful to post it here :).


This request if for botmaker not here. Please provide him your log to fix this issue. (Of course post it in the good topic not here)

#477 Posted : Thursday, November 5, 2015 10:41:06 AM(UTC)
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Hi there just found out that the Paladin (mid-range) deck is not casting knife juggler before dr. Boom. what acctullly does not make any sense because its a monster and damage adventage on the field.

WFG NichtAdrian/Morcest
#478 Posted : Thursday, November 5, 2015 11:07:50 AM(UTC)

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Morcest;32145 wrote:
Hi there just found out that the Paladin (mid-range) deck is not casting knife juggler before dr. Boom. what acctullly does not make any sense because its a monster and damage adventage on the field.

WFG NichtAdrian/Morcest

Like I as said before there is nothing about BlackOak project, this issue comes from silverfish so report it in the good topic !
#479 Posted : Friday, November 6, 2015 9:15:30 AM(UTC)

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oijkn;32146 wrote:
Like I as said before there is nothing about BlackOak project, this issue comes from silverfish so report it in the good topic !
Thanks oijkn :)

@everyone added new decks and fixes to first two posts and tried to tidy up my OP :p
#480 Posted : Friday, November 6, 2015 10:25:01 AM(UTC)
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Guys I am kinda confused right now. So if I build any deck that is in Palladin/Secredin(Mid-range) folder in Class changer folder, I can just set the deck type in class changer and let it turn on automatically, cant I? Or is there a way to get better results? :)
#481 Posted : Friday, November 6, 2015 1:08:14 PM(UTC)

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Janko123;32181 wrote:
Guys I am kinda confused right now. So if I build any deck that is in Palladin/Secredin(Mid-range) folder in Class changer folder, I can just set the deck type in class changer and let it turn on automatically, cant I? Or is there a way to get better results? :)
Yeah that's right. But if a particular deck has unique cards then they generally get their own data set :)

[add]BananaParty (Shaman Control) as an alpha build.
[fix] TempoTotem, issue with combo resolved. new stats:
19: 56%(5-4) 18: 100%(1-0) 17: 67%(4-2) 16: 45%(5-6) 15: 47%(8-9) 14: 57%(17-13) 13: 75%(3-1)
#482 Posted : Saturday, November 7, 2015 7:02:52 AM(UTC)
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Nice work guys, but if i play with random decks or 2 in ranked game. i can`t use SVN? only with SVN default setting?
#483 Posted : Saturday, November 7, 2015 7:11:37 AM(UTC)

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darkgen2;32211 wrote:
Nice work guys, but if i play with random decks or 2 in ranked game. i can`t use SVN? only with SVN default setting?
Yes default contains a set of generic combo & mulligan rules for all decks :)
#484 Posted : Sunday, November 8, 2015 10:49:41 PM(UTC)
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I'm currently testing some minor changes on mechmage (control), it got me from 25 to rank 13 so far, with default silverfish settings (control).

I just bumped into this thread (tool/decks) and I wanted to test this.

If I pick the "mechmage/control" deck and I use some different cards, do I need to change the mechmage(aggro).csv file to match my deck?
I already checked the mulligan and the combos to check for missing cards and it's compatible.

Once I have 200+ games I'll post info/stats on here, I just need to know what I need to change if I have a somewhat different deck (with almost-same playstyle).
#485 Posted : Monday, November 9, 2015 6:18:08 AM(UTC)
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BlackOak;29885 wrote:
PROJECT LEGEND - Silverfish Ladder Climb
It project was originally to list a couple of quality decks with settings to help us all become legendary players. Things snowballed and now it is a repository for decks with a win-rate of over 50%. Which can be used for Ladder (ranked play), Gold Portrait (500 wins) and Dailies Quests including 100 Gold Grind (30 wins).

These data sets ( _combo.txt & _mulligan.txt, settings.txt) are for Botmaker's Silverfish (using extrenal process) and is designed to be used with oijkn's AutoClassSwitch Tool. and should be put in a folder called data in the same directory as the tool. You can get the data sets automatically via AutoClassSwitch Tool or manually by either using SVN or the data.zip links below.

SVN: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/blackoak/trunk Please don't ask me how to use SVN there are plenty of sites and guides for this on nearly every forum.
Data.zip: Data.zip I will updated this at least once a week, last update: 07-Nov-15

Change Log:
07-Nov-15 08:00 [add] BananaParty (Shaman Control), [fix] TempoTotem (Shaman Control)
06-Nov-15 10:00 [fix] AggroDruid/RampDruid(mid-range)/MechMage(Control)/TempoMage/Rogue(Aggro)
06-Nov-15 09:00 [add] Hunter (Mid-Range) thanks gozadera and Murlocadin requested by oijkn
03-Nov-15 12:00 [fix] Murloc Knight & Knife Juggler
30-Oct-15 11:30 [add deck] Rogue(Aggro) thanks 920banan
27-Oct-15 04:30 [add] Generic Mulligan & Combo for aggro & mid-range Paladin also updated the existing Secredin mulligan & combos
Here is an example of the folder structure in the SVN & Data.zip : ../Mage/TempoMage/ the files contained are: _muligan.txt, _combo.txt, settings.txt & deck.txt (some will have multiple decks with the file-name deck_[author].txt).

Q: So what are these file?

_combo.txt this contains small changes to the way silverfish treats certain card during play. Some [Nudge] which gives silverfish a nudge to play cards correctly, a harder nudge is [Push] this is required when silverfish really wants to play out other cards. And last is [Combo] where silverfish is told that a combination of cards/plays is a better play for this deck.
_combo_verbose.txt this is my reference doc containing all my comments. _combo.txt contains a less comments (because of the way silverfish currently handles _combo.txt the bigger the file size the longer it take to make each move.)

_mulligan.txt this file has a set of mulligan rules for the deck. I spend a lot of time making sure that the mulligan not only gives you a good mana curve (i.e 1-Drop, 2-Drop, 3-Drop without coin & 2-Drop, 2-Drop, 3-Drop with coin) as well as making sure you keep key cards to deal with your enemy hero.

settings.txt these are the silverfish settings I use for the deck, but these are by no means the best settings, just the best for my computer (I don't have a powerful PC yet). So you should tweak these to suit your computers power.

deck.txt (or deck_[author].txt) this is the deck used in both Card ID & Card Names for easy import into Hearthstone Deck Tracker. I will include in the future (.csv for putting in the ..\HearthRanger\DeckLibrary for even easier use).

New feature: I have started to include a .csv file for each deck to copy into your Deck Library (..\HearthRanger\DeckLibrary) (Create the folder if it does not exist). I will get around to doing the existing decks also when I have time.

Please note:
  • After each update of HearthRanger please make sure you download the latest silverfish from botmaker's thread.
  • These data sets are far from complete at the moment but I am working hard testing so please be patient.
  • If you feel you can contribute please feel free to offer up your version of the these files for the community in this thread :)
  • If your requesting a data set for a particular deck then this deck must have at least 50% win-rate on ladder (ranked mode).
  • Please don't ask about substitutes for cards there are plenty of sites out there that can help with that.
  • Substituting card will affect the win-rates stated in the following posts.
  • Don't ask about setup/support for HearthRanger/Silverfish/AutoSwitchClass they have their own threads.

Thanks for all your ideas, fixes and thanks :)

Links:Silverfish Support / AutoClassSwitch Tool Support / Vick Nan's - Lazy Bastard

Hi is a separate deck rules .xlsx file required for these decks
Vick Nan
#486 Posted : Monday, November 9, 2015 10:14:35 AM(UTC)

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Macbeth-Hong;32258 wrote:
Hi is a separate deck rules .xlsx file required for these decks

No. To keep it simple, Project Legend is for Silverfish.

Please don't start asking what Silverfish is and how to use it
Vick Nan
#487 Posted : Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:47:27 AM(UTC)

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Testing Banana Party

Doesn't look too hot lol :)
#488 Posted : Tuesday, November 10, 2015 9:43:27 AM(UTC)

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what are we going to run this season... ?

more and more people seems to getting used against secredin..
#490 Posted : Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:27:37 PM(UTC)

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luffyDmonkey;32286 wrote:
what are we going to run this season... ?

more and more people seems to getting used against secredin..

Yep, i have rank 9/10 stuck with secretdin (Last season hit rank 5 with simple secretdin), manually/bot, im every day changin rules/mulligan/some card on deck to try climb but is very hard, my deck atm dont know if play rush or control

Sometimes lights justice (muster of battle weapon), dont attack (If u have 20 enface hp or 25 or 30 he dont want to attack) 1 damage lost but i think its silverfish error
Vick Nan
#489 Posted : Tuesday, November 10, 2015 6:42:41 PM(UTC)

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luffyDmonkey;32286 wrote:
what are we going to run this season... ?

more and more people seems to getting used against secredin..

Wasn't hunter the most promising one right now? See what oakie says.

I think it would be a great partial goal to consistently reach rank 5 per season. Stretch goal legendary. It seems t obe easier said than done but rank 5 should be doable if we focus the efforts.
#491 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:43:38 PM(UTC)
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Please help? How to use it. I know english bad,because i'm russian.
#492 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2015 5:00:14 PM(UTC)

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DangerSilent;32374 wrote:
Please help? How to use it. I know english bad,because i'm russian.

Sorry but the best way is to use Google Translate !

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