Originally Posted by: BossBot Hey TC question
How are you using the bot to concede in casual. I don't see any option like "concede after every win"
that could let the bot automate winning and conceding (unlike ranked where you can always just concede after hitting rank 19).
No one replied to your thread about this unfortunately and I was also curious.
However this is a good solution I found:
I just had the bot concede 40 games in a row to a point now where my casual MMR is super low. At that level face hunter is super dominant over non-priests as most decks are missing some meta cards. Priest also happens to be the most played class at that level, so I set the bot to auto concede against all priests.
The bot was able to gold cap in about 5 hours going 30-8 (+11 auto concedes to priest) using the std face hunter list from black oak's set. After hitting the cap I just had the bot auto concede 11 more games to bring the total win rate for the day down to 50% and preserve MMR for the next day. Once the bot is live I'll repost if this can consistently gold cap in 5 hours on casual.