Dragon Priest is a deck that trys to exploit the dragon synergies in order to play out strong midrange minions on curve. The dragon priest deck packs strong minions for every phase of the game. The gameplan of the deck is to play out minions on curve and heal them in order to get the most value of of them, eventually saturating the opponent out of answers. The power of the deck lies in the amount of value it can generate through the dragon package available in the deck. The hero power of Priest suits the mid to late game approach of Dragon decks as well, making Priest one of the most powerful Dragon deck. Strong plays from turn 1 to turn 9 is what makes Dragon Priest a strong deck and a heavy contender in the meta.
This week, we are featuring the same Dragon Priest list by Kibler. The list makes perfect sense in the meta swarmed by Aggro Druids as it runs ample amount of board clear and single target removal. Two copies of Shadow Word: Death is required because an unanswered Fel Reaver is one of the major win condition of Aggro Druid against Priest. According to the meta, a Wild Pyromancer can be played instead of one Velen's Chosen to better combat the swarm of aggressive decks such as Aggro Druid and Face Hunter. The last call of Patron Warrior doesn't hurt Dragon Priest as much as it hurts Control Priest because the Dragon Priest can apply pressure to the Warrior with a good curve into mid-game. As Demon Handlock falls and Face Hunter sees slightly more play, Dragon Priest has withstand the resurgence of Patron Warriors. As we go into a meta where there is no Patron Warrior, Dragon Priest is expected to rise quickly.
Kiblers tempostorm decktempostorm dragon priest writeup and deck
when I can I'm switching to the deck plus suggestions in writeup, wild pyromancer for example
edit: I think we really need the bot to keep dragons in hand for combos if possible
the shrinkmeister plus cabal combo is another
not sure on auchenai priests, too slow for the meta? also justicar, I'd like her in somewhere aswell?