The bot makes some of wrong choises with pirate synergy ill post the full log of a fight on the bottom of the post.
The play i doubted the most was where it played captain greenskin when i had no weapon to buff (not even rogue hero weapon) and i had allot of other good options in hand.
For instance a
strongly reduced Sky Cap'n Kragg because of other pirates on the board it costed only 4. In the same turn it let the enemy's Emperor Thauissan alive with 1 healt left so the enemy got 2 charges of it, while this emperor could easly been killed with the hand + board. (i.e. with sky cap'n).
the turn described above;
start calculations, current time: 14:39:02:3637 V116.38 control 5000 face 29 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 20 ets2 200 ents 20 secret
mana 6/6
emana 6
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
thief 27 30 0 False False 36 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_083b 2
warrior 29 30 5 False False 4
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_102 0
fatigue: 20 0 21 0
southseacaptain NEW1_027 zp:1 e:42 A:3 H:2 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
shipscannon GVG_075 zp:2 e:49 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
dreadcorsair NEW1_022 zp:3 e:44 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 tnt
emperorthaurissan BRM_028 zp:1 e:22 A:5 H:5 mH:5 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 bladeflurry 2 entity 57 CS2_233 0 0
pos 2 si7agent 3 entity 52 EX1_134 0 0
pos 3 skycapnkragg 5 entity 46 AT_070 0 0
pos 4 captaingreenskin 5 entity 45 NEW1_024 0 0
pos 5 backstab 0 entity 55 CS2_072 0 0
Enemy cards: 5
enemyDiedMinions: FP1_012,18;FP1_012t,72;
og: 303,1;822,1;
eg: 701,1;995,1;417,1;
received 14:39:02:3637 actions to do:
play id 55 target 22 pos 1
play id 45 pos 4
attack 42 enemy 4
attack 49 enemy 22
attack 44 enemy 4
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 55 target 22 pos 1
play id 45 pos 4
attacker: 42 enemy: 4
attacker: 49 enemy: 22
attacker: 44 enemy: 4
play id 55 target 22 pos 1
playcard: Backstab target: Emperor Thaurissan choice: 0 place1
play id 45 pos 4
playcard: Captain Greenskin choice: 0 place4
attacker: 42 enemy: 4
attackWithMinion: Southsea Captain target: Garrosh Hellscream choice: 0 place0
attacker: 49 enemy: 22
attackWithMinion: Ship's Cannon target: Emperor Thaurissan choice: 0 place0
attacker: 44 enemy: 4
attackWithMinion: Dread Corsair target: Garrosh Hellscream choice: 0 place0
mana changed 7 1 7 6 7 6
Skycap was played later for the full 7 mana, but the turn discribed above basicly lost me the match. Also i notice something what i seen often. After a Sludge Belcher is killed it wants to hit face every time right after with another minion. Seemingly not knowing the deathrattle is another taunt minion. Ofc he recalculates after and its all fine but it looks rly bot-ish ;)
the full log for the fight can be seen here: