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some little variation  my mulligan : Quote: //vs shaman //flame imp+direwolf, egg+PO, creeper, wrathguard, squire hold;warlock;shaman;EX1_319:1:EX1_162,FP1_007:1:EX1_316,FP1_002:1,AT_026:1,EX1_008:1
//vs hunter voidwalker, abusive, squire, direwolf. Anything that can be played early really. Owl is nice too. //Egg combos are risky in this matchup because of freezing but are still fine since the abusive should still be //useful. Don't try it with PO in the mulligan stage hold;warlock;hunter;CS2_065:1,EX1_008:1,EX1_162
//vs Mage //flame imp, abusive if you have any synergy with voidwalker or squire, creeper. hold;warlock;mage;EX1_319:1,CS2_188:1:CS2_065/EX1_008,FP1_002:1
// vs Rougue //wrathguard;egg;creeper; voidwalker;squire hold;warlock;rouge;AT_026:1,FP1_007:1,CS2_065:1,EX1_008:1
// vs Druid flame imp, wrathguard, voidwalker or squire+ abusive, kinfe jungler // flame imp, wrathguard, voidwalker or squire+ abusive, kinfe jungler hold;warlock;druid;AT_026:1,EX1_319:1,CS2_065/EX1_008:1:CS2_188,NEW1_019:1
//vs Priest // Knife Juggler (NEW1_019) wrathguard. flame imp, egg+ PO, abusive if you have flame imp and can play on curve hold;warlock;priest;AT_026:1,EX1_319:1,EX1_316:1:FP1_007,CS2_188:1:EX1_319
// vs Paladin //voidwalker, creeper, egg+abusive, abusive as a 1 drop, argent squire // Knife Juggler (NEW1_019) + Voidwalker (CS2_065) or Haunted Creeper (FP1_002) or Flame Imp (EX1_319) hold;warlock;pala;CS2_065:1,FP1_002:1,FP1_007:1:CS2_188,EX1_008:1
// vs Warlock //flame imp, abusive+any low atk minion or egg, creeper, squire // Ironbeak Owl (CS2_203) hold;warlock;warlock;EX1_319:1,CS2_188:1:EX1_008/FP1_007,FP1_002:1,EX1_008:1
// vs Warrior // Flame imp, void walker, wrathguard, knife jungler, abusive combos hold;warlock;warrior;AT_026:1,NEW1_019:1,EX1_319:1,CS2_065:1,CS2_188:1:FP1_007
zoo settings for silver: Quote:enfacehp = 15; // hp of enemy when your hero is allowed to attack the enemy face with his weapon maxwide = 5000; // numer of boards which are taken to the next deep-lvl twotsamount = 1000; // number of boards where the next turn is simulated simEnemySecondTurn = true; // if he simulates the next players-turn, he also simulates the enemys respons playarround = true; //play around some enemys aoe-spells? playaroundprob = 110; //probability where the enemy plays the aoe-spell, but your minions will not die through it playaroundprob2 = 51; // probability where the enemy plays the aoe-spell, and your minions can die! enemyTurnMaxWide = 40; // bords calculated in enemys-first-turn in first AI step (lower than enemySecondTurnMaxWide) enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = 200; // bords calculated in enemys-first-turn BUT in the second AI step (higher than enemyTurnMaxWide) enemySecondTurnMaxWide = 40; // number of enemy-board calculated in enemys second TURN nextTurnDeep = 6; //maximum combo-deep in your second turn (dont change this!) nextTurnMaxWide = 20; //maximum boards calculated in one second-turn-"combo-step" nextTurnTotalBoards = 200;//maximum boards calculated in second turn simulation useSecretsPlayArround = true; // playing arround enemys secrets alpha = 50; // weight of the second turn in calculation (0<= alpha <= 100) simulatePlacement = true; // set this true, and ai will simulate all placements, whether you have a alpha/flametongue/argus useExternalProcess = true; // use silver.exe for calculations a lot faster than turning it off (true = recomended) passiveWaiting = false; // process will wait passive for silver.exe to finish behave = control; // select the behavoir of the ai: control, rush, face (new) or mana (very experimental, dont use that :D) concedeOnBadBoard = true; // set this to true and ai will concede if enemy is to good my run last night: 15 to 11 ..still climbing 
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