Mid-range secredin. (S18 rank 4) (S19 reach 5)
50-55% w/r Deck: http://imgur.com/GHPrIYI Silverfish: control mode
Mulligan GuideThis deck mulligan is not so easy as it seems. It really depends on your opponent and what you draw first.
In general, you don't want to mulligan for SECRETS. They have to be hold for Turn6 Mysterious Challenger. Btw, it is not a problem if you draw a secret because it will be very helpful to hold the board until turn 6.
So, let's speak about the real mulligan. It is to much easy to say "hold low drop minions". Obviously you want to mulligan for this cards:
Turn one Secretkeeper against every deck
Turn two Shielded Minibot against every deck, Knife Juggler against every deck because it is still a good 2mana drop but dangerous against Patrons, for example. Another important cart to mulligan for is Ironbeak Owl, helpful against Mage's Mad Scientist for example!
Turn three Muster for Battle against every deck
These are the low drops i spoke about. In general you want to mulligan for them, but there are a lot of different cards that could be helpful against other decks. Let's speak about it:
Consecration it is a key card against Aggro/Mirror matches. You have to mulligan for it against Zoo, Hunters, Mirror paladins, Shamans and other board control decks. In general, a Turn4 Consecration is good enough to grant you a minion like Shredder or Loatheb turn 5 and a Challenger turn 6.
Ironbeak Owl it is usually a good counter against that early minions that grants advantage to the opponent decks. For example, Owl into Scientist grants you a lot of tempo. In the same way, Owl could be useful in later turns, but don't be afraid to use it on turn 2!
This deck mulligan is not so easy, but i think you'll improve your mulligan just playing it. There are a lot of different situations, for example it is not a mistake to hold a Piloted Shredder if you have the coin, because it is the best 4 mana drop and it is good to have board for turn 6, as i already told.
Mulligan Rules
//////////////////////////// MID - RANGE SECREDIN
//vs lock consecration, secretkeeper, minibot, muster for battle
//vs hunter consecration, secretkeeper, minibot, muster for battle
//vs pala consecration, secretkeeper, minibot, muster for battle
//vs warrior secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler, muster for battle
//vs mage secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler, muster for battle
//vs druid secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler, muster for battle
//vs thief secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler, muster for battle
//vs priest secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler muster for battle
//vs shaman secretkeeper, minibot, knifejuggler, muster for battle
Raping forsen:
UPDATE 10/07/2015