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Project: Legend - Silverfish Ladder Climb (Expert Users)
#1 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 5:11:46 AM(UTC)

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PROJECT LEGEND - Silverfish Ladder Climb
It project was originally to list a couple of quality decks with settings to help us all become legendary players. Things snowballed and now it is a repository for decks with a win-rate of over 50%. Which can be used for Ladder (ranked play), Gold Portrait (500 wins) and Dailies Quests including 100 Gold Grind (30 wins).

These data sets ( _combo.txt & _mulligan.txt, settings.txt) are for Botmaker's Silverfish (using extrenal process) and is designed to be used with oijkn's AutoClassSwitch Tool. and should be put in a folder called data in the same directory as the tool. You can get the data sets automatically via AutoClassSwitch Tool or manually by either using SVN or the data.zip links below.

SVN: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/blackoak/trunk (Don't know how to use SVN then use oijkn's AutoClassSwitch Tool.)
Data.zip: Data.zip I will updated this at least once a week, last update: 16-Nov-15

Change Log:
16-Nov-15 15:00 [add] DragonPriest_Dre thanks Dre
07-Nov-15 08:00 [add] BananaParty (Shaman Control), [fix] TempoTotem (Shaman Control)
06-Nov-15 10:00 [fix] AggroDruid/RampDruid(mid-range)/MechMage(Control)/TempoMage/Rogue(Aggro)
06-Nov-15 09:00 [add] Hunter (Mid-Range) thanks gozadera and Murlocadin requested by oijkn
03-Nov-15 12:00 [fix] Murloc Knight & Knife Juggler
30-Oct-15 11:30 [add deck] Rogue(Aggro) thanks 920banan
27-Oct-15 04:30 [add] Generic Mulligan & Combo for aggro & mid-range Paladin also updated the existing Secredin mulligan & combos
Here is an example of the folder structure in the SVN & Data.zip : ../Mage/TempoMage/ the files contained are: _muligan.txt, _combo.txt, settings.txt & deck.txt (some will have multiple decks with the file-name deck_[author].txt).

Q: So what are these file?

_combo.txt this contains small changes to the way silverfish treats certain card during play. Some [Nudge] which gives silverfish a nudge to play cards correctly, a harder nudge is [Push] this is required when silverfish really wants to play out other cards. And last is [Combo] where silverfish is told that a combination of cards/plays is a better play for this deck.
_combo_verbose.txt this is my reference doc containing all my comments. _combo.txt contains a less comments (because of the way silverfish currently handles _combo.txt the bigger the file size the longer it take to make each move.)

_mulligan.txt this file has a set of mulligan rules for the deck. I spend a lot of time making sure that the mulligan not only gives you a good mana curve (i.e 1-Drop, 2-Drop, 3-Drop without coin & 2-Drop, 2-Drop, 3-Drop with coin) as well as making sure you keep key cards to deal with your enemy hero.

settings.txt these are the silverfish settings I use for the deck, but these are by no means the best settings, just the best for my computer (I don't have a powerful PC yet). So you should tweak these to suit your computers power.

deck.txt (or deck_[author].txt) this is the deck used in both Card ID & Card Names for easy import into Hearthstone Deck Tracker. I will include in the future (.csv for putting in the ..\HearthRanger\DeckLibrary for even easier use).

New feature: I have started to include a .csv file for each deck to copy into your Deck Library (..\HearthRanger\DeckLibrary) (Create the folder if it does not exist). I will get around to doing the existing decks also when I have time.

Please note:
  • After each update of HearthRanger please make sure you download the latest silverfish from botmaker's thread.
  • These data sets are far from complete at the moment but I am working hard testing so please be patient.
  • If you feel you can contribute please feel free to offer up your version of the these files for the community in this thread :)
  • If your requesting a data set for a particular deck then this deck must have at least 50% win-rate on ladder (ranked mode).
  • Please don't ask about substitutes for cards there are plenty of sites out there that can help with that.
  • Substituting card will affect the win-rates stated in the following posts.
  • Don't ask about setup/support for HearthRanger/Silverfish/AutoSwitchClass they have their own threads.

Thanks for all your ideas, fixes and thanks :)

Links:Silverfish Support / AutoClassSwitch Tool Support / Vick Nan's - Lazy Bastard
41 users thanked BlackOak for this useful post.
Durara111 on 9/25/2015(UTC), oijkn on 9/25/2015(UTC), Pervin on 9/25/2015(UTC), emilcoff on 9/25/2015(UTC), Vick Nan on 9/26/2015(UTC), gatomiaurex on 9/26/2015(UTC), Oridian on 9/27/2015(UTC), gxgxgx on 9/29/2015(UTC), prankz182 on 10/1/2015(UTC), computomasac.bot on 10/2/2015(UTC), drforce on 10/4/2015(UTC), killemall828 on 10/5/2015(UTC), MilesSmith on 10/6/2015(UTC), Malus on 10/7/2015(UTC), Onyx on 10/12/2015(UTC), stegula on 10/12/2015(UTC), Technowafflefrisbee on 10/13/2015(UTC), Taranpawa on 10/14/2015(UTC), FiftyShadesFreed on 10/16/2015(UTC), lemonhead on 10/18/2015(UTC), RudHan on 10/22/2015(UTC), Melwin on 10/27/2015(UTC), Triniel on 10/28/2015(UTC), kLow on 10/28/2015(UTC), hussein on 10/28/2015(UTC), Xherium on 10/29/2015(UTC), jedem3 on 10/29/2015(UTC), omerhayyam on 10/30/2015(UTC), Falkic15 on 11/2/2015(UTC), marcos0100 on 11/3/2015(UTC), helena1213 on 11/4/2015(UTC), phillipe_kazuza on 11/6/2015(UTC), jacob1818 on 11/9/2015(UTC), Jackoz on 11/12/2015(UTC), Miscellaneous on 11/16/2015(UTC), alysson.ailton on 11/17/2015(UTC), darkgen2 on 11/22/2015(UTC), eco999 on 11/26/2015(UTC), zlrtrace on 1/10/2016(UTC), Drifnur on 2/6/2016(UTC), atmiks on 4/2/2016(UTC)
#2 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 5:12:48 AM(UTC)

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AggroDruid (Alpha Build) - Requested by Onyx & dm3d - Updated 06-Nov-15
RampDruid [win-rate:48% ranks: 15-11] (sample of only 52 games) - Updated 06-Nov-15

Wrangler Hunter (Control Hunter) - Added 21-Oct-15
FaceHunter - Added 13-Oct-15
FaceHunter [win-rate:50% ranks:20-10] thanks luffyDmonkey - Added 23-Oct-15
Face (Budget) [win-rate:50% ranks:20-18]
Hunter (Mid-Range) [win-rate:53% ranks:20-5] thanks gozadera - Added 06-Nov-15

TempoMage [win-rate:53% ranks:13-10] - Updated 06-Nov-15
MechMage (Control) [New Data Required] - Updated 06-Nov-15
FreezeMage (Alpha Build) - Updated 25-Oct-15
TempoMage2 [win-rate:53.8% ranks:15-10] - Updated 06-Nov-15

Secredin (mid-range) [win-rate:55% ranks:20-6] thanks emilcoff, Dre, Per4mer - Updated 21-Oct-15
Secredin (aggro) [Data Required]
Paladin (aggro) [Data Required]
Paladin (mid-range) [Data Required]
Murlocadin [Data Required] requested by oijkn - Added 06-Nov-15

DragonPriest [win-rate:50% ranks:20-13]
DragonPriest_Dre[win-rate:56% ranks:18-8] thanks Dre - New 16-Nov-15
ControlPriest (Beta Build) - Added 25-Oct-15

Cut-Throat (Alpha Build) [win-rate:33% ranks:15-12] requested by NICKBETTS
BlackOil (Alpha Build) - Low win-rate!
Pirate Rogue [win-rate:51% ranks: 18-11] - Added 23-Oct-15
Rogue(Aggro) (Alpha Build) requested by 920banan - Updated 06-Nov-15

TempoTotem [win-rate: 56.2% ranks:20-13] thanks jdubya29 - Updated 07-Nov-15
BananaParty (Alpha Build)

ZooLock (aggro) thanks sadpwner
TokenZoo (aggro) [win-rate: 52.8% ranks:unknown] thanks Neoray - Added 22-Oct-15

ControlWarrior [win-rate:51% ranks:17-14] thanks Vick Nan (win-rate may be higher hard to tell seeing I don't have all the cards) - Added 19-Oct-15
Control [win-rate:55% casual] requested by KarataroukSenpai

Despite the low win-rate on some of the above decks they can win 3+ games in row, so they are still worth playing.

All credit given to those that provide files for deck with over a 50% win-rate in ranked play.

*** Please beware this is very much a work in progress ***
22 users thanked BlackOak for this useful post.
Durara111 on 9/25/2015(UTC), Pervin on 9/25/2015(UTC), oijkn on 9/25/2015(UTC), emilcoff on 9/25/2015(UTC), Oridian on 9/27/2015(UTC), motob on 9/27/2015(UTC), drforce on 10/4/2015(UTC), 315098714 on 10/5/2015(UTC), killemall828 on 10/5/2015(UTC), MilesSmith on 10/6/2015(UTC), Vick Nan on 10/9/2015(UTC), leo.paintball on 10/9/2015(UTC), stegula on 10/12/2015(UTC), FiftyShadesFreed on 10/16/2015(UTC), lemonhead on 10/18/2015(UTC), gxgxgx on 10/20/2015(UTC), RudHan on 10/22/2015(UTC), Melwin on 10/27/2015(UTC), kLow on 10/28/2015(UTC), Xherium on 10/29/2015(UTC), jedem3 on 10/29/2015(UTC), phillipe_kazuza on 11/6/2015(UTC)
#6 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 5:13:48 AM(UTC)

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12 users thanked BlackOak for this useful post.
Durara111 on 9/25/2015(UTC), Pervin on 9/25/2015(UTC), emilcoff on 9/25/2015(UTC), Oridian on 9/27/2015(UTC), drforce on 10/4/2015(UTC), 315098714 on 10/5/2015(UTC), killemall828 on 10/5/2015(UTC), Jackoz on 10/6/2015(UTC), luffyDmonkey on 10/16/2015(UTC), FiftyShadesFreed on 10/16/2015(UTC), Melwin on 10/27/2015(UTC), phillipe_kazuza on 11/20/2015(UTC)
#9 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 1:47:48 PM(UTC)

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Mid-range secredin. (S18 rank 4) (S19 reach 5)
50-55% w/r

Deck: http://imgur.com/GHPrIYI
Silverfish: control mode

Mulligan Guide
This deck mulligan is not so easy as it seems. It really depends on your opponent and what you draw first.

In general, you don't want to mulligan for SECRETS. They have to be hold for Turn6 Mysterious Challenger. Btw, it is not a problem if you draw a secret because it will be very helpful to hold the board until turn 6.

So, let's speak about the real mulligan. It is to much easy to say "hold low drop minions". Obviously you want to mulligan for this cards:

Turn one Secretkeeper against every deck
Turn two Shielded Minibot against every deck, Knife Juggler against every deck because it is still a good 2mana drop but dangerous against Patrons, for example. Another important cart to mulligan for is Ironbeak Owl, helpful against Mage's Mad Scientist for example!
Turn three Muster for Battle against every deck
These are the low drops i spoke about. In general you want to mulligan for them, but there are a lot of different cards that could be helpful against other decks. Let's speak about it:

Consecration it is a key card against Aggro/Mirror matches. You have to mulligan for it against Zoo, Hunters, Mirror paladins, Shamans and other board control decks. In general, a Turn4 Consecration is good enough to grant you a minion like Shredder or Loatheb turn 5 and a Challenger turn 6.
Ironbeak Owl it is usually a good counter against that early minions that grants advantage to the opponent decks. For example, Owl into Scientist grants you a lot of tempo. In the same way, Owl could be useful in later turns, but don't be afraid to use it on turn 2!
This deck mulligan is not so easy, but i think you'll improve your mulligan just playing it. There are a lot of different situations, for example it is not a mistake to hold a Piloted Shredder if you have the coin, because it is the best 4 mana drop and it is good to have board for turn 6, as i already told.

Mulligan Rules

Raping forsen:

UPDATE 10/07/2015
18 users thanked emilcoff for this useful post.
BlackOak on 9/25/2015(UTC), acheron55 on 9/25/2015(UTC), gatomiaurex on 9/26/2015(UTC), Pervin on 9/28/2015(UTC), neuton on 10/3/2015(UTC), drforce on 10/4/2015(UTC), 315098714 on 10/5/2015(UTC), Malus on 10/7/2015(UTC), austinshin on 10/7/2015(UTC), dm3d on 10/8/2015(UTC), stegula on 10/12/2015(UTC), luffyDmonkey on 10/16/2015(UTC), lemonhead on 10/18/2015(UTC), kLow on 10/28/2015(UTC), omerhayyam on 10/30/2015(UTC), phillipe_kazuza on 11/20/2015(UTC), RG1825 on 11/22/2015(UTC), atmiks on 4/2/2016(UTC)
#12 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 2:04:03 PM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29913 wrote:
mid-range secredin. (tested rank 6)
50-55% w/r

deck: http://imgur.com/fxpDrTv
silverfish: control mode


Thanks :) I'll have a look and add/amend
#10 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 5:20:59 PM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29913 wrote:
mid-range secredin. (tested rank 6)
50-55% w/r

deck: http://imgur.com/fxpDrTv
silverfish: control mode


When i have time, gonna test your mulligan with my palasecrets and post pic about my stats (with my deck but with your mulligan), thanks for post this things for all
My deck, rank7 for now
#11 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 9:05:09 PM(UTC)

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ivanpowa;29922 wrote:
When i have time, gonna test your mulligan with my palasecrets and post pic about my stats (with my deck but with your mulligan), thanks for post this things for all
My deck, rank7 for now

not gonna work, you are using a very agro secredin deck. You can mulligan some other low cost minions.

I made that mulligan for the deck i posted.
#25 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 10:25:40 PM(UTC)

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I feel like meta changes over night. I only try to reach rank 5 for the rewards, I made it to rank 10 with bot, then played myself till rank 7. I was stuck and said hell with it and I wont make to 5 this season, dropped to rank 11. that night I left the bot with dragon priest control deck. I can't even remember which one it was, I woke up and I was rank 6! I tried to get to 5 manually, was 1 win away then had a lose streak. After couple days sitting around rank 7, I botted all night with one of the dragon priest decks the one I thought got me to rank 6. I woke up to rank 12. Tried all my priest decks, nothing goes below 10 now
#13 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 1:13:43 AM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29913 wrote:
mid-range secredin. (tested rank 6)
50-55% w/r

deck: http://imgur.com/fxpDrTv
silverfish: control mode


it is better if you put :1 to consecration since default is 2 and you dont want to have 2 consec in hand
#14 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 3:23:42 AM(UTC)

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acheron55;29932 wrote:
it is better if you put :1 to consecration since default is 2 and you dont want to have 2 consec in hand

thats right !!!

#23 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 7:02:40 AM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29913 wrote:
mid-range secredin. (tested rank 6)
50-55% w/r

deck: http://imgur.com/fxpDrTv
silverfish: control mode


Spent all night trying to get "Avenge"! Now I have it I am testing this deck, mulligan & settings. Ill update in a couple of hours.
#15 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:59:11 AM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29935 wrote:
thats right !!!

I crafted tirion just for your deck, I started with rank 10, now I woke up and I'm rank 5! Thanks a lot man.

EU server:

60.9% wr
#24 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:22:01 PM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29913 wrote:
mid-range secredin. (tested rank 6)
50-55% w/r

deck: http://imgur.com/fxpDrTv
silverfish: control mode


added to _milligan.txt (link in first post), Currently 23-12 (66% win-rate) in casual mode (I use for all deck testing)
#26 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 2:22:02 PM(UTC)

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Is there decks like face hunter or agro pally you can reach legend with? I dont have any legendaries and most of epics.
Reproduction of personalities.
#28 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 3:02:18 PM(UTC)

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@GlobalS Bump, I'm in the same situation. Sadly its probably much harder to reach high ranking without good cards.
1 user thanked iNiles for this useful post.
GlobalS on 9/26/2015(UTC)
#27 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 3:35:06 PM(UTC)

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GlobalS;29966 wrote:
Is there decks like face hunter or agro pally you can reach legend with? I dont have any legendaries and most of epics.

iNiles;29969 wrote:
@GlobalS Bump, I'm in the same situation. Sadly its probably much harder to reach high ranking without good cards.

If when I have time to test some I will try and offer up a budget version of each deck (although the win-rate maybe a lot lower)
#16 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 3:46:29 PM(UTC)

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acheron55;29950 wrote:
I crafted tirion just for your deck, I started with rank 10, now I woke up and I'm rank 5! Thanks a lot man.

EU server:

60.9% wr

you are welcome :)

#17 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:03:14 PM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29972 wrote:
you are welcome :)

Hey Emilcoff, do I need the control settings from blackoack as well as your mulligan for the deck to work on the ladder?

Thanks for the good work, both of you.
#18 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 8:12:07 PM(UTC)

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gatomiaurex;29974 wrote:
Hey Emilcoff, do I need the control settings from blackoack as well as your mulligan for the deck to work on the ladder?

Thanks for the good work, both of you.

If you wanna use my mid-range secredin YOU NEED MY MULLIGAN.

So, you can use Blackoack generic mulligan and change the paladin rules with my mulligan rules.

Tell me if you need some help with that, its so easy.

Rembember: my mulligan was made for that deck.

#20 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 8:36:30 PM(UTC)

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emilcoff;29981 wrote:
If you wanna use my mid-range secredin YOU NEED MY MULLIGAN.

So, you can use Blackoack generic mulligan and change the paladin rules with my mulligan rules.

Tell me if you need some help with that, its so easy.

Rembember: my mulligan was made for that deck.

I did add a few nice little tweaks for Secret Paladin decks today, if you wanna try it?

@emilcoff I'm running it as rush instead of control and getting a better win-rate on ladder. I also found 2 other similar decks one is budget and the other slightly faster. I will test them once I finished wrecking the ladder with your version :)
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