vol'jin targets 4/1 minion instead of 7/7.
start calculations, current time: 20:15:59:8203 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 8/8
emana 8
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 30 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
priest 21 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 17 0 12 0
dragonkinsorcerer BRM_020 zp:1 e:32 A:3 H:5 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:1 e:75 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:2 e:50 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:3 e:74 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
cabalshadowpriest EX1_091 zp:4 e:49 A:4 H:1 mH:7 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 northshirecleric 1 entity 17 CS2_235 0 0
pos 2 shadowworddeath 3 entity 34 EX1_622 0 0
pos 3 azuredrake 5 entity 25 EX1_284 0 0
pos 4 ysera 9 entity 8 EX1_572 0 0
pos 5 voljin 5 entity 18 GVG_014 0 0
Enemy cards: 8
ownDiedMinions: AT_116,22;EX1_091,23;BRM_033,29;BRM_020,31;
enemyDiedMinions: CS2_235,54;CS2_235,57;AT_116,59;BRM_034,64;AT_017,67;
og: 251,1;430,1;169,1;557,1;256,1;247,1;231,1;
eg: 256,1;372,2;371,1;169,1;248,1;23,1;
received 20:15:59:8203 actions to do:
play id 18 target 49 pos 2
attack 32 enemy 49
play id 34 target 50 pos 1
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 18 target 49 pos 2
attacker: 32 enemy: 49
play id 34 target 50 pos 1
play id 18 target 49 pos 2
playcard: Vol'jin target: Cabal Shadow Priest choice: 0 place2
ownminions changed
start calculations, current time: 20:16:11:0359 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 3/8
emana 8
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 30 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
priest 21 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 17 0 12 0
dragonkinsorcerer BRM_020 zp:1 e:32 A:3 H:5 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0
voljin GVG_014 zp:2 e:18 A:6 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:1 e:75 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:2 e:50 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:3 e:74 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
cabalshadowpriest EX1_091 zp:4 e:49 A:4 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 northshirecleric 1 entity 17 CS2_235 0 0
pos 2 shadowworddeath 3 entity 34 EX1_622 0 0
pos 3 azuredrake 5 entity 25 EX1_284 0 0
pos 4 ysera 9 entity 8 EX1_572 0 0
Enemy cards: 8
ownDiedMinions: AT_116,22;EX1_091,23;BRM_033,29;BRM_020,31;
enemyDiedMinions: CS2_235,54;CS2_235,57;AT_116,59;BRM_034,64;AT_017,67;
og: 251,1;430,1;169,1;557,1;256,1;247,1;231,1;
eg: 256,1;372,2;371,1;169,1;248,1;23,1;
received 20:16:11:0359 actions to do:
play id 34 target 50 pos 1
attack 32 enemy 49
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 34 target 50 pos 1
attacker: 32 enemy: 49
play id 34 target 50 pos 1
playcard: Shadow Word: Death target: Dr. Boom choice: 0 place1
start calculations, current time: 20:16:18:6863 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 0/8
emana 8
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 30 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
priest 21 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 0
fatigue: 17 0 12 0
dragonkinsorcerer BRM_020 zp:1 e:32 A:3 H:5 mH:5 rdy:True natt:0
voljin GVG_014 zp:2 e:18 A:6 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:1 e:75 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:74 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
cabalshadowpriest EX1_091 zp:3 e:49 A:4 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0 ex
Own Handcards:
pos 1 northshirecleric 1 entity 17 CS2_235 0 0
pos 2 azuredrake 5 entity 25 EX1_284 0 0
pos 3 ysera 9 entity 8 EX1_572 0 0
Enemy cards: 8
ownDiedMinions: AT_116,22;EX1_091,23;BRM_033,29;BRM_020,31;
enemyDiedMinions: GVG_110,50;CS2_235,54;CS2_235,57;AT_116,59;BRM_034,64;AT_017,67;
og: 251,1;430,2;169,1;557,1;256,1;247,1;231,1;
eg: 256,1;1292,2;372,2;371,1;169,1;248,1;23,1;
attacker: 32 enemy: 49
attackWithMinion: Dragonkin Sorcerer target: Cabal Shadow Priest choice: 0 place0
edit : similar case. works good.
start calculations, current time: 20:54:49:6685 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 8/8
emana 7
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 26 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 2
shaman 30 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
fatigue: 16 0 19 0
blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:7 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
azuredrake EX1_284 zp:3 e:14 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 spllpwr(1)
nerubianegg FP1_007 zp:1 e:51 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:87 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:3 e:42 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:4 e:86 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 sylvanaswindrunner 6 entity 31 EX1_016 0 0
pos 2 voljin 5 entity 26 GVG_014 0 0
pos 3 blackwingtechnician 3 entity 17 BRM_033 0 0
pos 4 velenschosen 3 entity 34 GVG_010 0 0
pos 5 shadowworddeath 3 entity 19 EX1_622 0 0
pos 6 holynova 5 entity 25 CS1_112 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
ownDiedMinions: CS2_235,8;AT_017,20;BRM_020,21;BRM_033,30;
enemyDiedMinions: AT_090,38;GVG_096,50;CS2_188,54;FP1_001,56;EX1_565,65;CS2_052,74;CS2_121,75;CS2_052,84;
og: 372,1;23,1;231,1;256,1;247,1;
eg: 139,1;287,1;1273,1;493,1;981,1;423,1;
received 20:54:49:6685 actions to do:
attack 7 enemy 36
attack 33 enemy 36
play id 26 target 42 pos 2
play id 19 target 42 pos 1
attack 14 enemy 87
set best action-----------------------------------
attacker: 7 enemy: 36
attacker: 33 enemy: 36
play id 26 target 42 pos 2
play id 19 target 42 pos 1
attacker: 14 enemy: 87
attacker: 7 enemy: 36
attackWithMinion: Blackwing Corruptor target: Thrall choice: 0 place0
start calculations, current time: 20:54:59:7951 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 8/8
emana 7
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 26 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 2
shaman 25 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
fatigue: 16 0 19 0
blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:7 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:True natt:0
azuredrake EX1_284 zp:3 e:14 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 spllpwr(1)
nerubianegg FP1_007 zp:1 e:51 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:87 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:3 e:42 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:4 e:86 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 sylvanaswindrunner 6 entity 31 EX1_016 0 0
pos 2 voljin 5 entity 26 GVG_014 0 0
pos 3 blackwingtechnician 3 entity 17 BRM_033 0 0
pos 4 velenschosen 3 entity 34 GVG_010 0 0
pos 5 shadowworddeath 3 entity 19 EX1_622 0 0
pos 6 holynova 5 entity 25 CS1_112 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
ownDiedMinions: CS2_235,8;AT_017,20;BRM_020,21;BRM_033,30;
enemyDiedMinions: AT_090,38;GVG_096,50;CS2_188,54;FP1_001,56;EX1_565,65;CS2_052,74;CS2_121,75;CS2_052,84;
og: 372,1;23,1;231,1;256,1;247,1;
eg: 139,1;287,1;1273,1;493,1;981,1;423,1;
attacker: 33 enemy: 36
attackWithMinion: Twilight Whelp target: Thrall choice: 0 place0
start calculations, current time: 20:55:05:8534 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 8/8
emana 7
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 26 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 2
shaman 23 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
fatigue: 16 0 19 0
blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:7 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:1 ex
azuredrake EX1_284 zp:3 e:14 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 spllpwr(1)
nerubianegg FP1_007 zp:1 e:51 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:87 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:3 e:42 A:7 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:4 e:86 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 sylvanaswindrunner 6 entity 31 EX1_016 0 0
pos 2 voljin 5 entity 26 GVG_014 0 0
pos 3 blackwingtechnician 3 entity 17 BRM_033 0 0
pos 4 velenschosen 3 entity 34 GVG_010 0 0
pos 5 shadowworddeath 3 entity 19 EX1_622 0 0
pos 6 holynova 5 entity 25 CS1_112 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
ownDiedMinions: CS2_235,8;AT_017,20;BRM_020,21;BRM_033,30;
enemyDiedMinions: AT_090,38;GVG_096,50;CS2_188,54;FP1_001,56;EX1_565,65;CS2_052,74;CS2_121,75;CS2_052,84;
og: 372,1;23,1;231,1;256,1;247,1;
eg: 139,1;287,1;1273,1;493,1;981,1;423,1;
play id 26 target 42 pos 2
playcard: Vol'jin target: Dr. Boom choice: 0 place2
ownminions changed
start calculations, current time: 20:55:14:0769 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 3/8
emana 7
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 26 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 2
shaman 23 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
fatigue: 16 0 19 0
blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:7 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:1 ex
azuredrake EX1_284 zp:3 e:14 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 spllpwr(1)
voljin GVG_014 zp:4 e:26 A:6 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
nerubianegg FP1_007 zp:1 e:51 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:87 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
drboom GVG_110 zp:3 e:42 A:7 H:2 mH:2 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:4 e:86 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 sylvanaswindrunner 6 entity 31 EX1_016 0 0
pos 2 blackwingtechnician 3 entity 17 BRM_033 0 0
pos 3 velenschosen 3 entity 34 GVG_010 0 0
pos 4 shadowworddeath 3 entity 19 EX1_622 0 0
pos 5 holynova 5 entity 25 CS1_112 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
ownDiedMinions: CS2_235,8;AT_017,20;BRM_020,21;BRM_033,30;
enemyDiedMinions: AT_090,38;GVG_096,50;CS2_188,54;FP1_001,56;EX1_565,65;CS2_052,74;CS2_121,75;CS2_052,84;
og: 372,1;23,1;231,1;256,1;247,1;
eg: 139,1;287,1;1273,1;493,1;981,1;423,1;
received 20:55:14:0769 actions to do:
play id 19 target 42 pos 1
attack 14 enemy 87
set best action-----------------------------------
play id 19 target 42 pos 1
attacker: 14 enemy: 87
play id 19 target 42 pos 1
playcard: Shadow Word: Death target: Dr. Boom choice: 0 place1
start calculations, current time: 20:55:21:2423 V116.15 control 5000 face 15 twoturnsim 1000 ntss 6 20 200 ets 40 secret weight 10 plcmnt
mana 0/8
emana 7
own secretsCount: 0
enemy secretsCount: 0 ;
1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
priest 26 30 0 False False 4 True 0 False 0 0
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS1h_001 2
shaman 23 30 0 False False 36
weapon: 0 0 unknown
ability: True CS2_049 0
fatigue: 16 0 19 0
blackwingcorruptor BRM_034 zp:1 e:7 A:5 H:4 mH:4 rdy:False natt:1 ex
twilightwhelp BRM_004 zp:2 e:33 A:2 H:3 mH:3 rdy:False natt:1 ex
azuredrake EX1_284 zp:3 e:14 A:4 H:4 mH:4 rdy:True natt:0 spllpwr(1)
voljin GVG_014 zp:4 e:26 A:6 H:7 mH:7 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
nerubianegg FP1_007 zp:1 e:51 A:0 H:2 mH:2 rdy:True natt:0
boombot GVG_110t zp:2 e:87 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
boombot GVG_110t zp:3 e:86 A:1 H:1 mH:1 rdy:False natt:0 ex ptt
Own Handcards:
pos 1 sylvanaswindrunner 6 entity 31 EX1_016 0 0
pos 2 blackwingtechnician 3 entity 17 BRM_033 0 0
pos 3 velenschosen 3 entity 34 GVG_010 0 0
pos 4 holynova 5 entity 25 CS1_112 0 0
Enemy cards: 3
ownDiedMinions: CS2_235,8;AT_017,20;BRM_020,21;BRM_033,30;
enemyDiedMinions: AT_090,38;GVG_096,50;CS2_188,54;FP1_001,56;EX1_565,65;CS2_052,74;CS2_121,75;CS2_052,84;
og: 372,1;430,1;23,1;231,1;256,1;247,1;
eg: 139,1;1292,2;287,1;1273,1;493,1;981,1;423,1;
attacker: 14 enemy: 87
attackWithMinion: Azure Drake target: Boom Bot choice: 0 place0