Hello everyone,
Just bought the bot and so i started testing how he would do by himself, i must say this is a masterpiece and all masterpieces to become Legendary they need good feedback.
Noticed that when your hero has a weapon equiped and you dont have enemy minions in the board he stops, basically if you could do something about him passing the turn or only using the weapon on minions or to win the game.
If there are cards that cost 0, i am talking about "backstab" the bot freezes and doest nothing, i would suggest that if the bot cant use it in any creature to end turn, also he cant use the Mana ring that costs 0
He also blocks with deadly poison, if there is no weapon to equiq he should end turn
Everytime he plays with paladin and he is in the second round and is only option is that he can summon a minion( the paladin) but never does it.
The hand cursor should accompany the cards actions, its always stopped and we know that they can see the pixels you clicked
Thats is, you are doing a brilliant job, i would be active here in the forums,