I do agree with what some people have been saying the bot is slow, but not to the full extent. It calculates the best move pretty quickly, but the attack order and way it attacks is weird. Say it casts muster for battle and has a knife juggler. Now lets say next turn the opponent doesn't kill anything and plays 2 minions. itll click one silver hand, highlight target, wait, attack. 3-4 seconds later, click the next, click same target. 3-4 seconds later itll attack with the weapon same way. Then itll summon something, 3-4 seconds later itll attack with the knife juggler. I remember it used to actually look more human - like, even making mistakes every once in a while (like swinging the arrows the wrong way then going to the right target.) Ive seen it, in the past, use the wrong card completely, then retracting it then using the proper card (IE a spell card). The bot is pretty smart however, and the missplays it does from what I have seen can be just seen as a human error. The concede at lethal doesn't work too well anymore. I just watched it loose against a priest (it stole a Rag from my deck, played it, then played their own Rag, Kappa :( ). It had 4hp left opponent 10 and they had a Sludge Belcher, 1 silver hand knight on the board, and 1 consecration in hand. It used the consecration and summoned another silver hand knight and passed turn. Obviously the opponent had lethal lol. Over 100 recent games played with the same paladin deck has netted over 70% win ratio, but the repetitiveness isn't even excusable as a human with a routine. Like in poker, I play every hand counting to the same 5 seconds or online, 30 seconds every play. But with the bot, that is not good if it knows it is going to go for face or a minion, just have it click and attack faster. Overall, and minus that, I cannot complain. It highlights and looks at cards (although it stares at a card too long sometimes IMO) And rememper guys and gals, this bot is in beta, so we are beta testers. Once it is final or a final beta version, THEN we can say "Okay this and this isnt fixed, it isnt worth it) And btw, the enumeration problem does happen still with Imp Gang boss and Grim patron, if you didnt see this before Joy Admin. ****edit*** Is there a quick way to QUE attacks? Like, "Okay I need to attack this and this and this to that, there are no deathrattles so no need to delay" And if a deathrattle is on the board, or a secret, THEN attack with a spacing timer inbetween,