If you monitor the CPU usage of HR you will find a low base usage with very high peaks during your turn (when the "next move" function is called).
You can try to share your host's ressources instead of assigning them to each guest, so you don't waste them in idle modes.
- Use some low requirement OS for guests (like WinXP, you need to search the forum on how to get HR running under XP).
- Assign each guest 1 CPU with 1 core (if this runs to unstable go to 1 CPU / 2 cores) and at least 2 GB ram.
- Create a (VM-)shared folder for each guest with HR in it.
- Recompile Silverfish with the "use external process" option and use this one (this will use a shared file for communication)
- foreach client: start the external process from host and start HS and HR from the client
Hope this helps you and please report back your progress. ;)