Hi all,
Firstly i want to thanks my partner
Jammo2k5 for his help in this project ! without him this project would never have happened.
I'm not an expert in coding but I managed to create this little tool which allows you to play in manual mode (
debug) more easily.

I spent a lot of time to give you a stable and functional tools, I hope that our work with Jammo2k5 and myself will be useful and enjoyable ;)
The principle of Ranger Indicator is to show the pictures of the cards that HR will play. When debug mode is enabled HR tells you his next move but unfortunately the names of the cards are in English and in my case mine are in French so it's not easy to translate the cards and then play simultaneously (especially when time is limited in the game). This is when Ranger Indicator comes into play and shows you the pictures match of cards ! this is much easier to play :D
Download Section :>>> RI_v.0.2(BRM).zip <<<Here is the steps to follow :
- Download the last version of Ranger Indicator.
- Unzip all files/directory in the HearthRanger root folder (see this post).
- Launch RI.exe
- Open your log file of HR. (You will find them in .\task_log)
- Activate the Debug mode in HR.
- Enjoy it !
Features :- Show you the next move of HR.
- Auto Update when new version is available.
- Support Windows 8 x64.
Changelog :v.0.2
- Patch for the
Blackrock Mountain !
- First Build !
Screenshots :

Please report any problems or post all feedback here in the thread and any feature requests too (is i can answer it of course).
Thank you for using this tool and have a good game :)
Best regards.