served24;24385 wrote:Okay so I guess I'll ask a question. How do I set up auto quest completions? I clicked the check boxes for setting which class to use for which quest and which deck rules to start and I set up shut down when no gold or quests can be completed and an auto shut down of the not but it only completed quests from one class. Like it only completed warlock quests and didn't even begin the mage quests that I had set up? Does anyone recognize a problem or something I'm doing wrong?
Hi served24,
For my part here all works good, i use the job task to do it but that works without too.
Are you sure to have the good settings in HR ?
==> In the first tab you have to activate the task (dailyquest)

==> Second tab tick the wanted quest(s), select your constructed or basic deck, select your deck rules files
==> Save the settings and here we go :)
PS: if you are not sure you can PM me o post here your settings (screenshots).