## UPDATE : 12/02/2015
I changed some things here and there and added more options to the configuration-file
- Some cleanup for reducing I/O-Overhead in my own functions
- Added option for concedeLvl, bigMobAttack (see param.txt) and aggroboarder (see param.txt)
- Some code-cleanup in the original silverfish for more readability and small performance-improvements
If you want I can add some diff-files to see the changes I made.
for testing purposes (i.e. which behavior fits best on my decks) I extended the silverfish A.I a little bit.
With this version of the bot some specific values are saved in a config file, which will be loaded from silverfish. The big benefit is, that you don't have to recompile the whole bot, if you wanna mess around with it.
All values are saved under cfg/settings.json.
Some information: If you set all behaviors to true, just one will be activated:
Code:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | var cfg = silver.ConfigReader.Read ( "cfg/settings.json" );
if (cfg.BehaviorControl)
behave = new BehaviorControl();
else if (cfg.BehaviorRush)
behave = new BehaviorRush ();
behave = new BehaviorMana ();
Control > Rush > Mana, which means if you set Control and Rush to true, only Control will be activated.
The source-code is under ./src/* (additional depencies are just the Newtonsoft.Json.dll for deserialization of the json file).
Refer to /src/ai/Settings.cs for the description of the specific values!
Just put all files under %PATH_TO_HEARTHRANGER%/ExternBot/silverfish/
Have a nice day!