Got some questions about the internal game machanics of HS.
I don't have all the cards to test it by myself, so it would be great if someone can do it for me or already knows the answers.
Q1: Prophet Velen and spell damage.
What is the spell dmg of Mind Blast with Velen and Kobold Geomancer on the board?
Does the play order of the cards affect the calculation?
Q2: Summoning Portal and Mechwarper/Pint-Sized Summoner.
Summoning Portal reduces the cost of a minion by (2) but not below (1).
How does this interact with Mechwarper or Pint-Sized Summoner?
If you have a Spider Tank (3) and apply the Mechwraper first and then the Summoning Portal it would cost (1), while the reverse order would lead to (0).
Same for Pint-Sized Summoner.
Does the play order affect the calculation?
Q3: Crazed Alchemist and silence. (perhaps someone knows or I'll try this one myself)
If you have a damaged Yeti (4/3) on the field and swap attack and health it will become an undamaged (3/4).
Silencing this will lead to an undamaged (4/5), but what happens if the (3/4) had 2 dmg on it when silenced?