So I've been using this bot for quite a few games (I reset the total but I think I'm nearing 1k games now) and since it has worked so well I figured I wanted to give at least a tiny bit back! The deck is about 1k dust, but if you skip the Recombobulator it's 400 dust less and I don't think it's that important to the winrate of this deck. Although I haven't really watched the bot play games with this deck so to be honest I don't have a clue what is important or not in this deck, I also am pretty new at Hearthstone in general.
I'm using silverfish AI and all games have been casual on EU since I am paranoid about playing ranked with a bot and I'm not that interested in the golden heroes anyway. I use the bot only to grind the boring 100 gold/day cap.
The most expensive part of this deck is the requirement of having the two first wings of Naxxramas opened to get the Loatheb, which is 1400 gold total but it's well worth it, and the adventure is fun to play.