Hey all! After 2 months i have been using this bot I have decided i want to help all improving the bot so i made this little topic with some bugs i randomly find.
(sorry for the bad english, it's not my mother Language)
- i opened hearthstone and the bot. I immediately noticed that I didn't find the white forum link and i couldn't open the site from Google chrome. The bot couldn't start (login problem i guess). I thought the site closed or got banned.
10 mins later it works! Probably my problem.
I am using rogue right now!
- the bot sometimes missplay by summoning the 1/2 wicked knife and attack when he alreay had a 1/1 wicked knife (he could have attacked with the old one and preserve 1 durability)
- in this moment the bot tryed to attack with the 1/2 wicked knife the warlock stealthed (0/1) blood imp
- sometimes he still dont calculate the sludge belcher effect (he prepare all the move but forget that a 1/2 taunt is spawned)
- the bot can't calculate well the combo move: i had eviscerate in my hand and kobold geomancer on the board with senjin. The right play (that I seen because i was watching the bot playing) was to combo eviscerate with another card (i had 7 mana crystal so he could for example place yeti on the board and easily clear the senjin with the 5 eviscerate combo damage (counting the jobold geomancer +1 spell damage!).. But the bot played like this: 3 standard damage for uncombo eviscerate and trade the kobolt, then place yeti. (Missplay!)
- the bot sometimes doesn't see the board clear (with kobolt geomancer or ogre magi and fan of knives he sometimes can clear the board but he doesn't recognise it)
the forum thing happened again! Now i have some pictures from google chrome and internet explorer explaining the problem! Now the bot was playing too and it stopped. [HearthRanger - Bot for Hearthstone] turned yellow (like if it was paused) and it started saying every 5 seconds "Lost rush4x server connection, please check bot remain time." and then "bot stopped".
When i restarted it it said "Login Binding server..." "Login failed:ERR_FAIL"
I guess it's because the open free beta is closing (?)
I have some pictures but unfortunately i don't know how to post it :c.
Another Bump!
I have now noticed that when the bot need to click "Ranked game" after he just played a match he choose another deck, recalculate and return in the one i said him to play with... For example i have Custom Rogue and Custom Hunter and he need to play with the Rogue one. So he choose the Hunter one, 3 seconds and return on the rogue one and then play!
Bot still lose too much time when the board is too full: he sometimes need to change target and attack more minion so he can't do all in one turn and miss some play for time delay.
I don't know if this is connected with the problem but he sometimes write : "force recalculate delayed, time"
Problems with warlock:
- In my deck i play mistress of pain and demonfire (the 2/2 buff)... Bot almost never buff the mistress to get it to 3/6 (3 hp healed every turn!): he usually just keep it waiting for a 2 health minion to kill.
Problems with druid:
-In my deck i run 2 wrath. If possible the bot usually use 2 wrath to take out a 2 health point monster using the effect [deal 1 damage, draw a card]. I think it's a little bit of a missplay using 2 important card like wrath to just take out 1 minion.
(ok that you draw card but the 3 damage can be so important to clean other monster)
Bot still keeping too much time on turn: if the board is too fill he can't do all the play for no time.
He also missed a lethal (warrior 15 hp, he had yeti and dr boom on the board (11 damage) and assassing blade with deadly poison to apply. He calculated for like 10 seconds, attack with the 2 minion, with the wicked knife and played 2 other cards.
That miss lethal :S
Bot crashed once! He stopped playing but i couldn't normally close it so i had to force close it.
Today i saw the bot playing with backstab and i noticed that he use the spell (2 damage on a not damaged minion) only if it's a directly kill, not to reach the goal too. (like backstabbing senjin then finish it with yeti)
I noticed another thing: i was against a paladin that played blessing of wisdom on my 1/5 yeti (humility had been played on him) but i had another one on the field. The bot didnt attack with the 1/5 (right thing) but also with the other yeti 4/5 for 5-6 turns (when the 4/5 died)
Bot crashed twice (same situation as yesterday)
Today he forgot to attack with one minion (Doomguard 5/7) I lost for that c.c
Bot still can't play combo move expecially eviscerate.
My opponent had a 6/5 Stormwind Champion on the board. Bot could combo eviscerate for 5 damage and kill him (I had kobold on board)... He eviscerated for 3 damage then traded with kobold. Missplay!
Today the bot did something strange: he was in the menu and needed to pick the deck.. After 10 seconds nothing happened and it just crashed. First time i see something like this.
Bot did something veeeery strange: i had dr Boom with the 2 bombs on the field with 1/2 wicked knife equipped against a 3/4 taunt (I don't remember exactly the card): he attacked with the little bomb whom attacked face, attacked with 1/2 wicked knife, then he used deadly poison on the 1/1 knife then he passed the turn (time finished, he had been too slow)... I lost the game for that missplay c.c
Something to fix: the rogue keep hitting the acolyte of pain withe the 1/1 wicked knife letting the oppenent keeping draw :S
I couldn't watch the bot playing today... he just crashed once (stopped playing and freezed)
I went away letting the bot playing... When i returned there was an error: the bot couldn't find the deck. So i paused it but then it crashed.
I couldn't watch the bot playing today... i just noticed that sometimes it still crash. (One happening: the bot just stop playing then crash when you click something on it)
I couldn't watch the bot playing today... i just noticed that sometimes it still crash.
I couldn't watch the bot playing today... i just noticed that sometimes it still crash, Same missplay as other days.
Today the bot missed a lethal with double blessing of the kings... I lost for that c.c
Another Missplay: the bot attacked a 4/1 sunfury protector with dr boom (7/7) instead of the Silver Hand Recruit (1/1).
A couple more crash.
I'm playing paladin. Bot is still mistaking with secrets (like nobel sacrifice: it could save a minion and destroy another one but the bot just don't play it)
Bot sometime mistaking with Seal of Life: he used consacration to kill the 1/1 dr boom bot bomb, but then the bot still used seal of life to kill one bomb already dead.
Bot had lethal with True Silver but the bot instead played a yeti
Bot still doesn't well recognise minion with charge (he played the 1/1 charge boar and buffed it with Hound Master but the bot didn't attack)
The bot used killcommand on a 2/1 instead of a 4/3... Bad calculation
Hope you appreciate this!
In constant update!
Always thankful for the bot!
Still sorry for bad english :S