Originally Posted by: kolog Yeah, about that, I had 2 of these in my hand and it never cast because I had not any other beast... later in the game my hand was full due to this.. (with your control, wich I love..)
Thx :)
Well, I usually play one in my deck list and I use the timber wolf to do a few more damage. I set it to be played when you have at least 2 beast to maximize that because the wolf is very weak alone. Of course that rule can be changed or maybe modified to play one if you don't have minions into the battlefield for example or if the opponent's health is 7 or least and you have a Kill command in your hand. I will try to improve it.
Originally Posted by: kolog Speaking of it.. Is it a final version or are you still working on improvements? I loved your work.
This is a work in progress. I am very busy in real life, but sometimes I have sometime to add some more rules and test them.
Originally Posted by: kolog And does it work well with all cards now? Even mech ones? I've tested silver.dll but I like yours better. Just sometimes it could do lethal but ends turn instead... I as warlock had a "do 5 damage" and didn't use Idk why... I had to use that mannually..
Well, silverfist is a AI per se and my rules are a filter for HR default ones. Botmaker did a good job before and probably he will overcome current issues with silverfist. About my rules, them follow HR AI default ones. In my experience, default AI uses mechs OK, so for now I didn't modify their behaviour, but if someone find an issue with them I will try to tune them a bit.
About the lethal, I can't do nothing with that, because as I said before, my rule set is a filter, not an independent AI. But JoyAdmin is doing a great work here and the AI find more and more lethal moves every time.
Originally Posted by: kolog That's it.. just a fan with questions =)
Answered, I think ;)